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End Game / Nothing to do

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Recently on Day Z i've noticed that I can get top grade loot extremely quickly. All I do is find a tent site with every single item in the game within 15 minutes of playing, it's way too easy! I died yesterday and I already have NVG's, Rangefinder, MK 48, All the medical supplies I will need forerver, Coyote Backpack, Food for days, Ghillie Suit (Although I don't wear it because the Hero Skin is so orgasmic) and anything else I want (Including vehicles).

"ERMAHGERD U R SO LUCKY" Not really, i've done this a few times on different servers also. Then I have all this military grade loot, now I have conquered the zombie apocalypse and I will never die to zombies in a zombie survival game.

So PVP? I could if I wanted to but I, and other players don't really like PVPing as it's not my play style so the game becomes very boring, and I continuously ask my friends "Where should we go now?" which is normally replied with "I dunno" or "I don't care" so we end up doing pretty much nothing until we get shot or accidentally get ourselves killed by some glitch involving breaking bones or whatever.

I think there should either be an ending or at least more to do in Chernarus. I haven't thought much about what a ending could be, maybe leaving Chernarus? Of course you wouldn't have to if you didn't want to, and there would be a lot of prerequisites in doing so, maybe you have to get to a airfield that has a ridiculous amount of zombies inside it (I'm talking like 200+) then gather enough parts to fuel, repair and launch a airplane. (Also this makes me think about helicopters, who in their right mind would fly in a helicopter around the same zombie infested county when they could just leave Chernarus and go somewhere safer?). I don't think it should be a Cure the zombie infestation type ending, because it wouldn't make sense for everyone else that is still playing, but hey at least a ending to a otherwise easy game.

I mentioned more to do in Chernarus, I don't know what but I have often discussed with friends 'Money' in Day Z, find it on zombies etc. It would be great to have vending machines you could buy food from (This might make it too easy so it could be junk food that doesn't cure starvation all the way or doesn't heal any blood). Money would be extremely rare etc. and you could use it for other things possibly purchase goods and weaponry from NPC vendors like a Dead Rising kind of deal.

When I first started playing Day Z it was a completely different experience from any other game i've ever played. Unexpected things would happen, first time seeing Chernogorsk or Elektrozavodsk and seeing the bountiful loot they held. Or being paranoid as hell when it's nighttime and you hear the growls and moans of the zombies as you tried to fight the horde with the little ammunition you had. Needless to say, I don't get these experiences anymore Chernogorsk and Elektrozavodsk are just PVP playground, excluding the hospitals where you can get useful stuff.

I mean it's cool if you like PVP and all that I ain't hating, it's just I see myself as a medic/friendly type, I litreally don't kill anyone because if I do get killed it doesn't matter to me. Just 20 minutes and I have all my stuff back, and possibly more (If i get a Kamenka spawn then just travel north to find metric shit tonnes of tent sites).

I've debated about joining one of those Medic Clans that go around helping people but eh, doesn't seem interesting to me (If you've had experience with these groups reply to this post because I would actually be genuinely interested in that)

I guess this was just a rant post, it was supposed to have some great fuckin' ideas but I guess i'm a bad forum writer/poster w/e.

I hope i'm not the only one that gets bored as fuck from Day Z, I just wish it had more to do or an ending. Post whatever you think of the Money idea or Endings - Or even post your own I would love to see some.

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Being a medic is fairly fun. Travel to random obscure places, meet people who don't want to shoot you etc.

Edited by Muncywolverine

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Go to cherno / elektro and hunt bandits :) lets see how fast you will die.

Well I stated this in my post, I don't like PVPing and I said even if I do die I can get all my stuff back too easily.

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Being a medic is fairly fun. Travel to random obscure places, meet people who don't want to shoot you etc.

Do you ever get killed by the apparent "Injured" ?

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There is a huge lack of PvE in this game. I hope Rocket realises this or the game will go down hill quick.

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There is a huge lack of PvE in this game. I hope Rocket realises this or the game will go down hill quick.

I know what you mean, that's why I want some deathzone with many, many zombies like 300 or something, that would actually prove to be a challenge. Of course it would have to have a reward.

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I don't think DayZ needs a PvE section (we already have zombies) or a real endgame, since there shouldn't be an end unless it's death.

If I may (and I do) believe the answers Rocket gave yesterday on Reddit, DayZ will become way more interesting in the standalone version:

- more players per server (80 to 100!)

- more enterable (and lootable) buildings, and thus more balanced

- more "low-grade" weapons (melee incl. hand-to-hand, homemade weapons, etc.)

- more side-locations to go; other islands, underground, etc.

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I don't think DayZ needs a PvE section (we already have zombies) or a real endgame, since there shouldn't be an end unless it's death.

If I may (and I do) believe the answers Rocket gave yesterday on Reddit, DayZ will become way more interesting in the standalone version:

- more players per server (80 to 100!)

- more enterable (and lootable) buildings, and thus more balanced

- more "low-grade" weapons (melee incl. hand-to-hand, homemade weapons, etc.)

- more side-locations to go; other islands, underground, etc.

I did not know this, thanks for telling me. All those changes sound awesome!

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there are million things to do! just watch some youtube videos, the creativity some people show is incredible.

do medic stuff, be a counter sniper, get yourself a lonley survivor and help him to gear up, make a secure transporting system, a trading post, a zombie secure area, a car shop, etc etc

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You can make the game as fun as you want to. You decide to have no fun at all, so don't complain here.

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You can make the game as fun as you want to. You decide to have no fun at all, so don't complain here.

Thread ends here,

OP I am is a fag.

Don't do that again.

Edited by Boneboys

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Try being a medic without metagaming. Now that shit is a challenge.

Or simply try being a medic. I've been having a tonne of fun with it, and it's sparked a further idea I am going to try implementing in the future, it was inspired by what Doctor Wasteland does, but I'm aiming for my own unique spin on making endgame fun, if my local test works well, I'll be posting proper details about it in the future.

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Well, I mean, this thing has only been in real development for a few months now. It's not going to have a full cycle of play. It's barely functional as is, and people want to see one of the hardest parts of making a game developed already? Jeez.

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You can make the game as fun as you want to. You decide to have no fun at all, so don't complain here.

Games are supposed to provide fun, I shouldn't have to work to get fun.

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Recently on Day Z i've noticed that I can get top grade loot extremely quickly. All I do is find a tent site with every single item in the game within 15 minutes of playing, it's way too easy! I died yesterday and I already have NVG's, Rangefinder, MK 48, All the medical supplies I will need forerver, Coyote Backpack, Food for days, Ghillie Suit (Although I don't wear it because the Hero Skin is so orgasmic) and anything else I want (Including vehicles).

strange, never happened to me

i havent been completely kitted out more than once, when i killed someone who was completely kitted out.

i have never farmed or server hopped map corners/nwa etc. certainly no duping. for this reason i am far from endgame

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Games are supposed to provide fun, I shouldn't have to work to get fun.

Going to have to heartily disagree with you there. Any form of media requires input by the consumer to fully enjoy. Brainless fun is well and good, but entertainment has a much broader reach than that.
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Games are supposed to provide fun, I shouldn't have to work to get fun.

This post right here shows everything that is wrong with the gaming community these days. Here we have an open ended sand box zombie survival game where you can do what ever you want. Yet someone still wants to be spoon fed everything and have the developer hold their hand all the way through the game.

Gearing up is only a small fraction of the game. People here have offered suggestions as to what you can do. Yet they don't seem to be good enough for you.

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Yeah why not do something good for other survivors in need of help or hunt bandits as someone said. This would be my main prio once I get to your level even though I try to do it now. I don't have the problem like you. I'm on my second day right now and I try to use strategy when movi g forward, not taking risks just to make it feel more real so it take some time.

About the money, it would be fun if you got a helicopter from the vending mashine too :D

Okey let's stick the serious part. Seems like money would make the game even more easy and what fun is it to find money and go to a vending mashine just to get a coke and a mars?

Edited by Secutor

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There will be not 80 to 100 players per server, rocket said "100 to 200" (and biggest maps)

It"s gonna be awesome

And we will build little "houses"

(Sorry for very very bad english)

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get an as50 with one bullet, an axe and some bandages and go to cherno on a high populated server. Get on the main square and shoot the as50. Change quickly to the axe and wait for the onslaught to begin.

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