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Hacker 'bONKERz' on US 578

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SERVER: US 578(not DE 578)

TIME: aprox. 11:05 pm (UTC-08:00)

What Happened: Some buddies and I were waiting for a squad member up near the high value barn North West of Komarovo when a player (bandit skin) snuck up behind us typing "friendly" in chat. I spun around and shot him with my M4 SD at least 10 times in the upper body/head, reloaded and tagged him 5 more times, a squad mate him him about 10 times with his M4, bONKERz ducked behind a tree and went invisible. We checked if he was in the lobby, his name was showing that he was still in-game, we fired on the spot where he went invisible and we saw the bullets hitting him (blood squibs) but he still did not die.

While he was sitting there invisible he was not bleeding out, so it was quite evident that he also had some sort of god-mode enabled as well. We all d/c'd sat in the lobby for about 10 minutes chatting, bONKERz did not die nor did he d/c so we jsut left the server and I made this report.

Thank you, and please get this hacking problem under control (sorry but I wasn't recording or taking screenshots at the time).

Edited by Haroon

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yeah i had a run in with him too but i hit him before god mode he went down but he teleported back to me in less then a minute

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