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Sudden New FPS Lag

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I've been playing for a few weeks now and a couple nights ago I started getting around 5 FPS instead of perfect gameplay (no idea what FPS I had but it was perfect on very high settings).


  • i7 3770k 3.5ghz
  • Asus z77 sabertooth mobo
  • 16gb 1866mhz DDR3 ram
  • 320gb SSD
  • GTX 680
  • other cool shit

I hardly think my system is the problem. I haven't changed drivers but perhaps had some Windows updates go off.

Arma2 vanilla stuff runs fantastic, it's only DayZ. I did use the Six launcher to update recently and even just now to try and fix it. No dice. I tried rebooting as well.

Unfortunately I don't remember when it started doing this but I think it was Friday 11 Aug 2012 during a rare single malt scotch and gaming binge.

Any ideas? I've tried searching multiple forums and Google but all I can find are people with 4 year old laptops having FPS issues...

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Is the FPS drop occuring on one specific server or have you tried a bunch of others out?

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I get this randomly (once every week or two) I'll normally get high 40's to 60 FPS (Vsync cap) on my usual servers but every once in awhile I will join one of them and immediately see 5 - 15. I just go to another server and I'll be back at normal. It seems like it may be server related, so I just stay away for awhile and assume a server reboot will take care of the problem.

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I've tried 3 or 4 servers. All the same. I just checked my Windows Updates and there was nothing this weekend. I'll try more servers...that's probably my issue. I'll update if/when that solves it.

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DayZ is only in Alpha, it will have these issues. The FPS lag on certain servers happens when they haven't been restarted for a while and the build up of objects causes your computer to work harder to render it.

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Oh, I know it is in alpha. I was just looking to the community to see if I was F'ing something up. I agree it's just servers, seems logical -- just wanted to see if I had some weird new patch that was giving me bad juju. I'm a systems engineer at a software shop so I know how it goes (bane of my existence BTW). I tried 3 more servers after this post and all were FPS lagged. I'll try again tomorrow and update again.

Side note: should it always take 5-10 minutes to load a server? That seems to be the norm for me. Or they never load. Ugh.

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Oh, I know it is in alpha. I was just looking to the community to see if I was F'ing something up. I agree it's just servers, seems logical -- just wanted to see if I had some weird new patch that was giving me bad juju. I'm a systems engineer at a software shop so I know how it goes (bane of my existence BTW). I tried 3 more servers after this post and all were FPS lagged. I'll try again tomorrow and update again.

Side note: should it always take 5-10 minutes to load a server? That seems to be the norm for me. Or they never load. Ugh.

Stuck on loading has only been a bad issue for me since the new Dayz Files came out. I get into about 20% of rooms if that or it will just stall out on loading.

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before i downloaded the latest arma patch i was getting 50fps now i get a max of 20 so untill a fix comes out for that then i aint playing a game with 20fps.

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I'm having the exact same problem with very similar gear. Trying the Updater to see if that helps me. Thanks for this post.

Edited by -JMP-

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