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Looking to join a clan

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Not sure how many clans there are out there but im looking to join one I have played 100 hours or more of dayZ and i know the basics whats good whats not etc... Where to loot how to snipe with mil dots.. i do prefer a support clas(Heavy machine gun) or a good m4. If i sound like im worth interviewing add me on skype or steam: Plasmius


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Plasmius if you're over age of 18 and why don't you join our little group? we're consisted of 6-10 players and we've been alive more than 20 hrs.. we use vent for the team work (skype is nice but it uses too much bandwidth)


ip: mttk.vent.nfoservers.com


pw: mttk2012

feel free to join we have a least 5 new comers from last night (my thread topic) =D we always welcome manture and fun players of DAYZ!

see you soon

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played around 50 hours or so of Dayz so far. looking for people to group with that i cant trust to not kill and loot my gear. more of a support tag along type. on at varying times of the day.

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