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Looking for group to loot and pillage with

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I'm 16 years old so if that's going to be a problem don't even bother. I live on the East Coast of the US so only East Coast groups please.


Group preferably between 3-6 members

Please no old trolls

Humorless or intensely-serious people, or people with an IQ higher than 80 need not apply.

^I keeed, I keeed but please don't shit yourself over small things.

Preferably a group with a vehicle and some players with decent loot. (aka no double barrels or Wincesters pL0x)

Must be able to tolerate semi-racial and sex jokes. (Im not really racist so before you trolls break your keyboards read the rest of the line <3)

P.S. If you have extra ghillie suits, camo clothing, or backpacks (coyote) that you would give me, I will permanently become your sex slave.

Thanks for yo' time nigs. <3333333

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Nah i want to play with other people. Playing alone is starting to get boring

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Please no old trolls

Humorless or intensely-serious people, or people with an IQ higher than 80 need not apply.

Haha mate. Where i live, in Sweden, our avg IQ is set to 100 according to the Swedish state. Laughing out load.

Not even a retard in sweden could apply for this then ;D

j/k with you, so dont get too upset. It was very funny written.. "higher then 80 need not apply" lolz. Is that the normal IQ in US? :huh:

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Haha no but an IQ of 80 is legally mildly retarded. And there are a lot of retards in the US. Lol

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