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Game takes very long to load and can't play.

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Hello, I haven't been able to play dayZ since last night, my game takes extremely longer to load than usual and I only managed to get on 1 server since then, all the other ones just left me to be stuck on Loading ( After at least 20 minutes in the DayZ loading screen )

I looked up things to try and fix my issue and tried stuff like copying certains files in my folders, updating manually etc... but apparently nothing has worked and now it is worse as when I start my game ( through Six Launcher and/or DayZ Commander ) I first get an error saying "Addon 'dayz_anim' requires addon 'CA PMC'", I then click OK and my game launches ( takes ages and my whole computer is freezing ) then I get to the server menu and I get another error message, which I didn't bother reading and clicked OK and I could read bottom right that I was disconnected ( I didn't even get to see the server menu at all ), then I get the loading screen which would normally bring me back to the game menu, but instead it just loads for about 5 minutes and makes my computer freeze like hell again and then I just get the lessage that Arma 2 OA has stopped working.

Can anybody help me? I'd really love to play..

I'm on Win XP and I bought the game via the Steam Combined Operation offer not too long ago.

Note : I also have never been able to open the game through the beta shortcut, it always just got stuck on "Wait a moment" in the first loading screen and I had to close to game and/or it crashed

Note 2 : My game always took pretty long to load ( Depending on the server ) but it didn't matter to me since in the end I got to play anyways.

Note 3 : I think it has to do with last patch (?) since I didn't have those issues until last night...?

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I'm having this problem also. When I load the game with Dayzcommander I just get the "Wait a moment please". When I use the SixLauncher, everything seems to run fine till I get to the extremely long Loading... screen. I even get a pop up sometimes that says "Warning. This version is out of date. Would you like to continue anyway?" etc..which is weird since the server's I've been trying to go to are newer than 95417. When I actually do get into a server my character spawns in a new spot all the time.. I still have the same gear I got while playing before though.

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Well I found a solution not sure if it will work for everyone.

I downloaded DayZ Commander and click on Versions on the top corner and updated every single thing that was oudated and played the game and it worked well for me.

www.DayZCommander.com :)

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didn't work for me.. everything says its up tu date.. but now my game just crashes after startup and i get 45454 differents errors..? maybe i should reinstall?

is there a way to reinstall arma2 and arma 2 oa without redownloading it on steam..?

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