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Another warning about server, this time it's FR101

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Ok after walking to sobor me and 3 of my friends got teleported with 40 other guys to komarovo. We pretty much got shot up over there. I managed to log out with my buds. ATM i'm logging in and A green sand timer is counting down as i'm typing. I sure hope that I don't die after it finishes. The last time this happend I was during me finding my first vehicle. Since then I havent found A vehicle again.

Anyways A fair warning somebody is hacking on FR101.

Goodnight people and I hope I will be coming back to this game doubt it though.

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Went to have a Look again and they're spawning next to you with a truck ATM. It's in FR101 will try to capture server list and the happening of it if i go back.

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