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Yet another hacking thread

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Sorry to add another post to the flood of recent hacking-related posts, but it's become too annoying not to post about. Several times recently, a few after *finally* getting decent gear, hackers have killed everyone on the server simultaneously - everyone just falls over dead. It's become incredibly frustrating, since this is already a difficult game to get into as a newbie. I'm almost tempted to stop playing it entirely, because there's nothing fun about running around for hours searching for gear only to inevitably have it all get wiped because some guy wants to be a dick. It guarantees that I will never see end-game content, and that I have little to no motivation to do anything to do anything other than grab the first weapon I can find and then kill random people near the coast if I can even do that successfully without dying.

Questions about all of this:

1) Are there any servers that get hacked very rarely, if at all?

2) Is it worth continuing to play with the game in this state? I love the game itself, but with constant deaths from hacking (nevermind all the glitchy in-game problems, that's a separate issue) it's very hard to continue wanting to play it.

3) Those of you who have been hack-killed, especially regularly - how do you cope with this? Do you just not even try to get good gear? Or resign yourself from the very beginning to getting killed by some total BS that has nothing to do with your actions in-game?

I guess I'm just getting really frustrated with the game because of this. Yesterday a guy tried to rescue me while I was bleeding out, couldn't save me in time but grabbed all my stuff, and some of his clan's, and spent hours driving it down to my new spawn. I basically had everything I'd possibly need. Switched servers, and within 20 minutes a hacker killed everyone on the server, and everything was gone again. And that was after 20 min of extremely carefully sneaking through the woods to ensure not being killed.

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I haven't been playing very long, and like you I love the game and love the concept, but yeah... the hacking and hackers are getting on my nerve too. It's not even when it's something really obvious like a mass teleport. For example, people killing me from a rooftop in the game is fine, but when they do it with a gun they got through hacking? Well, that's not supposed to happen. But how do you prove it? You don't.

I'm sure once this game becomes a stand-alone title, it will be a lot harder to hack.

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I haven't even encountered the mass teleport yet, just the mass "everyone is running along and then falls over dead out of nowhere". incredibly annoying.

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