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U.S. West Coast LFM

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I'm looking for 1-4 Dayz players (I don't play with a bandit playstyle, but I don't mind if you do as long as those in your group are the exception)

Basically I play on west coast servers, I know where to find anything and how to play the game; I don't mind showing someone new or playing with a Vet both are welcome.

I have 2 Rules for my group:

1. Don't shoot anyone thats in skype with us without their express permission.

2. Don't be an immature jackass (looking at you 16-17 year old idiots.)

I have fun playing this game seriously; using tactical thinking. I'm looking for other players with a like mindset.

If this sounds like something you want to check out then post your Skype SN/email below (and feel free to post any other information related to your Dayz experience)

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My brother and I play on US 510 and US 1883 quite a bit (central CA servers) welcome to hit us up if you want some time. =) FullMetalSumo@gmail.com

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The E-mail said you did not have skype; Sent a skype invite to your email.

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