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hacked ??

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ok so after my 20 try i finally logged in the server i play in :us 478

rite after i after i spawned i was teleported and found many players confused looking around

so i started recording

a guy just ran to me with a axe or some thing and i start firing at him...he had a zomby face:o

so i ran for my life and he followed me

hitting me i keep firing at him 2 mags in his chest but he no die

finally he hit me and i fell just before i hit alt f4 and logged out

what is all this ??

Edited by wheelspk

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ya must been a hacker in god mode teleporting u to a place for some fun.

unlucky for the other survivor who happend to stand in ur way hehe :P

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I thought you hated this game.

The hacking sounds so bad now I haven't logged in over a week. Don't see a point in wasting all the time just to be hacked. I'll wait until they can gaurantee this will not happen. Which will be never, so... just wait for the single player version. That way you don't have to worry about hacks or asshats, which are prevelant in just about every MP game there is. I saw the growth of MP when all the devs were skeptical about adding MP to their game. Now it's do we add SP to our MP game. Eventually it will swing back the other way, when the only ones left playing MP are the hacks and asshats, who probably pirated the game to begin with.

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got hacked and killed 5 times ...god this is so bad....such a good game expect for the shitting load time and hackers.....

this will be the end for dayZ

other times

either i was launched up the air 50 feet

shoot then kept alive

pee'd on


raped again


i still hate this game :(

Edited by wheelspk

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