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DayZ Lingor Loot Map

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ehmmm. lingor is NOT running on ANY official hives. just to clarify, lingor is ONLY private hive atm guys.

just imagine the mess in coordinates, if you could log out in chernarus and log in at lingor on the official hive lol

There is an official lingor hive, it has much the same process as the normal dayz version, just ran by some russians, but still there is about 25 servers all on the same hive, so no it's not private.

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I'd avoid the sneaky russians.

There is a lingor hive been used by Vilayer, it's pretty solid and they have updated a ton of the code

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Doesn't seem to load or something for me. Just a grey screen with the "donate" and the map legend (whatever map legend means).

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Doesn't seem to load or something for me. Just a grey screen with the "donate" and the map legend (whatever map legend means).

Resolved the issues, I moved tiles and images to a static subdomain as well as moved the map itself to a new host, should be a lot better in terms of speed and lack of downtime.

@Gekkonidae - hit me up on steam, I'll have to re-create FTP access for you.

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Looking for a server to advertise / call home for the Dayz Lingor Map itself. I no longer have the time or money to invest in a second server to set aside just to add locations. If you are interested in being the Offical DayZ Lingor Map server please contact me via Skype - itscarve

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Curious, if there is a place that defines the Farm/Military etc loot table.

Yes theres a key on the right of the map, hit "Show Legend" and it will fade in.

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