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promethius (DayZ)

new, need help

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okay, so i just downloaded arma 2 co the other day. for the soul purpose of playing dayZ, but when i open up and try to get into a server i get horrible fps, and giant patches of white all over my screen

does anyone know what is wrong? or how to fix it.

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Well there is not much of a fix for your fps problem rather then upgrade. The giant patches can be fixed temporarily by switching your scene complexity to either 100000 or 300000 and swap between them if you begin seeing these problems again.

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also it may be a bit of an inconvenience but try rejoining the server when it happens it gets rid of them but theyl strike back at some later point

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it happens on any server i join, and im not able to change any options for some reason, i tried changing to low quality and it wouldnt go off of normal

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