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Military Group creating a Chernarus Militia.

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Hello fellow bandits! SGT_CAMP3R here!

We are a small band of current, prior, and future U.S. Army soldiers putting together a Chernarus Militia. We are looking for experienced, tactical, and preferably prior Military members. If military tactics and teamwork sound like your style, get back to me on here or on skype. Email is ryanmccabe1@yahoo.com

Happy hunting Bandits and stay FROSTY!


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Lol, I would be glad to join you and your buds, Only problem is I do not have a military background, But I do have experience with a MP5 in real life, Im only 17, but turning 18 in 5 days, I've played ARMA (almost all) for over 2 years now and I didn't buy it to come into dayz, I bought it to come into arma. Im experienced with guns (rl and ingame) and I prefer being a DM as I have been for more then 2 years in arma :D I play tactically but still joke around alot and im 50/50 on the immature and mature side :D

skype: dimitrioss-_-

IGN: Xeovas

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Hello, my name is Matt, but you can call me V. I am over 18 as well. I play as a bandit in dayz and i am very interested in joining your clan. I play extremely well with groups and i use tactics and strategy well. I use common sense and i am very good at dayz in my opinion. You guys sound just what im looking for as i love me some good intense firefights. please contact me back soon. My play time is very open as well. I do have a mic and i use all voice comm programs available.

Steam name Ulysses(picture of the character Ulysses from fallout: New Vegas)

Skype name: vendetta_404


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