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And now Im dead.

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So, after about 30hrs of gameplay on one character, I have got an m16 with an m203 attachment, ammo, a revolver with ammo, blood packs, and all the other stuff you need. I have like 330 zkills with like 200hs, and yes, 13 murders, 1 bandit kill. I have been staying alive by all means necessary and doing well.

So Im up next to the north east airfield, just chilling, and I log out, need to get on another server, NY1 had no zombies spawning so me and my brother who i was playing with decide to change. Cant get into a new one, so we just join NY1 again, but whats this, I have spawned in the middle of nowhere, righto, I move on, a bit annoyed but hoping Im somewhere near the airfield, I find a town, sit down in a corner of it to work out what it is. Its Pavlovo (the debug zone), I put down my map, realising Im most likely not alone, and what do you know, a survivor is lying down behind me.

I stand up, run away a couple of meters, and open fire (as with bandit skin, you cant really trust anyone). I hit him several times, and then I am shot, im bleeding and have a broken bone, he dies shortly after (Hit reg is either just shit, or i was having the normal lag for my bullets to hit him).

I stop the bleed, and then Im about to morphine when a bandit runs around the corner, he looks at the survivor first, and does not notice me, so I fire, I dont want to stop, so he has about 10 bullets in him from an M16, he turns to me, fires with his pistol or revolver, Im down, lying there gargling my blood, hes still standing, I dont know if I even killed him. (I didnt check the kills, I was just fuming).

I normally tell people not to get attached to the stuff they have, you will just die and find it again. But I had kills, I had an m16 which, by my searches, is verrrry hard to find. And now I have none of it, why?

Cos I got shot, and am dead.

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I think the point he's making is that being randomly teleported to the debug zone and forced to fight your way out alongside several other players is irritating after you've spent the majority of your game playing it incredibly (brutally and sociopathically) safe.

So yeah, strange bug and something Rocket might want to look at.

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It's very frustrating with the netcode and lag that you shoot someone with 30 ak rounds and he turns around and shoots you in the face.

One time i was on the roof in cherno someone came up the ladder. Fired complete mag of mp5 rounds in his chest. All rounds were a hit. He came up grabbed his pistol and shot me once and i died....

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When you shoot someone ( close ) range and he don't take any hits just disconnect the fuck out. No need to die because of desync or lag issues.

When you shoot someone ( far, mid ) range and he don't take any hits, just say " fuck that " and run the fuck out. No need to die because of desync of lag issues.

Also rocket can't do shit about that, you can't fix lag, desync, or global awful ArmA 2 hit detection.


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Wow, no need to get CAPSLOCK, he was giving you friendly advice.

Granted, getting sent to Debug was a bitch, its happened to me before. Sat on around 400 Zed-kills, 0 Murders and 5 bandit kills. Had an M24 and m9-DS, NVG's and a GPS. I was livid, every person got ported to "Purgatory" and it became the hunger-games.

Everyone running around that barren land-scape taking potshots at anything that moved...So many un-needed deaths. :(

I salute those who we lost in The Debug-Wars, and those who continue to be brought there. ;_;7

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Yeah sorry that was a bit dickie, I did try to alt f4, it didnt work, got a menu in game that opened up. So I hit a nerve getting the advice lol. But yeah. Just pretty pissed off that all of my progress didnt die in a fair fight, but after I bugged out and to lag.

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Yeah sorry that was a bit dickie' date=' I did try to alt f4, it didnt work, got a menu in game that opened up. So I hit a nerve getting the advice lol. But yeah. Just pretty pissed off that all of my progress didnt die in a fair fight, but after I bugged out and to lag.


Escape key brings out a menu.

ALT + F4 should kill the game instant, strange it didn't happen for you.

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Could be worth to make a no fire zone in the debugg area, whould still be dangerous if you need to walk out of it but you will atleast not be killed in it...

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Would Alt-F4ing not be considered an exploit, especially in the situation described by the OP? You got screwed by a bug but encouraging people to play like cowards and log out is against the spirit of the game. Everyone gets killed and has to start over at some point, most don't have the stomach to push on but a lot of us have the testicular fortitude to accept our demise, regroup in hell and seek revenge.

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  'Rapira said:

what about if players on the floor and cant moove(hava that green watch)' date=' game script lock all keys on keyboard and player cant press ALT+F4. At old times when hackers conect to game and doing somthing people cant doing nothing because all keys are locked.


The hourglass means you were knocked out not that the game messing up. You can't move for a reason. I am sure knowing this won't stop you from using alt-f4 at any time you get shot at without having the upper hand.

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Alt-F4ing is absolutely an exploit.

Case in point: I was skulking around some of the barrack buildings in the south end of the North Airfield when I noticed a bandit looting a building (the barrack/prison one with only one entrance) a dozen meters away. He saw me and closed the door, probably thinking I'd have to follow him in to get him. I opened the door, chucked a grenade and got back to cover. Sure enough he's dead, but about 1 minute after all this happened, I'm looting in the back room and I see a bandit spawn right in the far corner of the back room, shotgun ready, and he blasts me to pieces.

My guess is that there were 2 of them and one alt-F4'ed and logged back in soon after to get me back. So yeah, I consider that a BIG exploit. It's like having a safe-zone in another dimension you can warp to whenever it gets rough outside. Anyway, just thought I'd share an experience and let the community know that this stuff does seemingly happen.

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So' date=' after about 30hrs of gameplay on one character, I have got an m16 with an m203 attachment, ammo, a revolver with ammo, blood packs, and all the other stuff you need. I have like 330 zkills with like 200hs, and yes, 13 murders, 1 bandit kill. I have been staying alive by all means necessary and doing well.

So Im up next to the north east airfield, just chilling, and I log out, need to get on another server, NY1 had no zombies spawning so me and my brother who i was playing with decide to change. Cant get into a new one, so we just join NY1 again, but whats this, I have spawned in the middle of nowhere, righto, I move on, a bit annoyed but hoping Im somewhere near the airfield, I find a town, sit down in a corner of it to work out what it is. Its Pavlovo (the debug zone), I put down my map, realising Im most likely not alone, and what do you know, a survivor is lying down behind me.

I stand up, run away a couple of meters, and open fire (as with bandit skin, you cant really trust anyone). I hit him several times, and then I am shot, im bleeding and have a broken bone, he dies shortly after (Hit reg is either just shit, or i was having the normal lag for my bullets to hit him).

I stop the bleed, and then Im about to morphine when a bandit runs around the corner, he looks at the survivor first, and does not notice me, so I fire, I dont want to stop, so he has about 10 bullets in him from an M16, he turns to me, fires with his pistol or revolver, Im down, lying there gargling my blood, hes still standing, I dont know if I even killed him. (I didnt check the kills, I was just fuming).

I normally tell people not to get attached to the stuff they have, you will just die and find it again. But I had kills, I had an m16 which, by my searches, is verrrry hard to find. And now I have none of it, why?

Cos I got shot, and am dead.


Aww you poor thing. NOT. Who cares you murdered 13 people I'm glad you died.

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x7Steelers7x, the point is not what you think I deserve because of how I play, but the manner of how I died.

And in terms of the altf4 thing, I consider it an exploit, but in the situation I was in, I really didn't care, my situation wasn't exactly fair, so not being fair to stay alive seems like an equal trade.

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