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British squad wanted

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Hi, as a lot of new players out there, I'm looking for a group of buddies to group together to traverse the dayz world. primarily a British player would be better, but I have no problem with others, albeit American, Russian, French etc.

Please post here if you are interested and we'll hit each other up on Skype.

Thanks :)

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aup mate ive just started playing dayz, im from stoke living in pompey but ill set up a skype account ,if yer fancy getting blood on ya hands ill join up with yer!!!

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Hi i've just order the game like yesterday so should have it in 2-3 days and i'll need a group to play with i've played abit of arma 2 F2P so probs will not be as green as grass but close. i'm a Brit too if that helps.

so can i join in like 2-3 days? also how you/we gunna play as good guys or bandits or hybred?

Edited by C7hu1hu

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Yeah dude no probs, make sure you have Skype, it's the easiest way to communicate, I work during the day but get on about 3pm GMT

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I'll Join ya. Killcam I have sent you a skype request

Edited by Sprax

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