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Looking for members to start a clan

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I wish to make a DayZ Clan for the people around my age. The clan will be for new people, experienced, but no people who are bandits. We only shoot if provoked to.



Age has to be a minimum of 10 years old, and max is 17. This group is for younger people, as I am 14 myself, and I don't want to be bullied because of my medium to high voice.

You can start off with a brand new character, and we will find you and help you out with equipment.

People cannot be bandits, as I stated before.

You must not have any far off equipment already, like ghillies or high tech sniper rifles. We do take exceptions.

If you have a super high voice, like a toddlers, we will not allow you to use voice chat, no offense.

Must have Common sense, so you dont run into Electro guns blazing.


If you want to join, or have any more questions, feel free to reply.

PS: Before complaining about the requirements, please understand that I do know this is outrageous. DONT REPLY WITH CAPS AND EXCLAMATION POINTS OF RAGE!!!

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