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Benzin (DayZ)

Internacional Viper Squad

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p><p>Hello, I am the propaganda officer

This is an official transmission from the Internacional Viper Squad.

We are a group of sovereign individuals who have decided to take control over our lives. IVS is any able bodied Chernarusian with a functioning trigger finger and operational rifle. We are dedicated to ousting the misogynist, racist, and homophobic gaming hegemony. IVS is an anti-bigotry group in addition to anti-goon. This means we execute for all oppressive statements. I.E. Misogyny, racism, homophobia, transphobia

We have currently taken up arms against the highly racist and highly sexist clan LLJK; a clan that originates from the Something Awful (http://www.somethingawful.com/) forums where they post in private how much they hate non-whites and women.


So, no introductions needed, no inductions, no lists, no names, you only need pick up your rifle and fight for the cause! Join today!

P.s. post in here your kills of the day!

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not sure if you seriously think they are sexist hahahaha

I like SA and I like general goon-ery but greifing in Dayz is lazy and boring as compared to their activities in just about every other game. what they think is griefing is really just part of the game and certainly not seen as a "bad" thing by the developers, nor an exploit. It is funny when they are nice from time to time as well.

I'm for killing any bandit group, and this is no exception. It is funny seeing newbies getting mad, but at a certain point, it gets pretty stupid. Don't really care what any bandit groups intentions are, be it actually looting or just "greifing," I'll kill them regardless.

for the record, I hate whites too!

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Who said we aren't a bandit group? The sexist hegemony patriarchy loving Something Awful Goons mostly hide behind the thin veil of "just" being a survivor group, yet they lash out verbally against the oppressed minorities. To combat them, we lose humanity in game, but we gain humanity in our hearts.

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I'm not sure if you're trolling, or just being stupid.

Regardless, most of the trolls aren't actually racist. They just say those things to get people like you angry.

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Ahahahaha, oh god this is amazing, this is the BEST. Seriously I did not expect to laugh this hard at this forum, let alone the section for clans and stuff.

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Why are you mad at all of us, man we're just trying to get by in life. I want to get back to my homeland, Sahrani and chill on the beach with cocktails.

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