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LF team (i have a vent)

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greeting players, i have bin playing dayz for a couple of weeks now i have 1 friend IRL who i play with but im looking to form a bigger group of people to work with and survive. i have yet to fix or find a vehicle it is something i really want to do. so if your interested in teaming up and so on message me on ill give u the vent info and we can go from there.

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I would also like to team up with a bigger group,pm we vent details plz

age 20

fluent english and have been playing for 3 weeks

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I'd like too join ya bud, if yea play on a quick launch server, can't stand those long loading times lol. Got some good experiance.

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I would love to play with someone lol... I've only been playing for a day though. I found my first weapon and within 45 secs i walked out of the building and fell to the ground dead from a sniper shot to the head lol. Any other time i've found anyone around me they won't talk to me. I'd love to team up with a few ppl and go on a few adventures! Hit me up if I can tag along!

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Hi. You posted this in a wrong area. I moved the thread to Survivor HQ.

Please read the pinned/sticky threads before starting a new topic!



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Militarized DayZ Clan

We have order, designated players and proffesionalism, all to a fun & memorable experience

We're currently recruiting dedicated mature players for our clan

We also have our own Killing Floor, DayZ, TS3 server.

We are the real deal!


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