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AutoHotkey - OK with Battle Eye?

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DXtory only allows one "push to talk" record key. I'm trying to make a work-around on to make it so I can record in-game VOIP and mumble.

Will AutoHotKey get me kicked by Battle Eye for a script?

Edited by Croswell

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Someone made a autorunner with ahk but, that was some month(s) ago.

I guess if it wont interact with the game client directly then it shouldn't be seen as evil.

Wild guess regardless and gl getting an proper answer.

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I use autohotkey to bind in-game voip to a mouse button.. I've never had battle eye have a problem with it.

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You'd probably be better off asking BattleEye staff themselves, rather than the community here. You'll get an official answer, anyway.

Good Luck.

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