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Please fix Mike Tyson Zombies

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Tried out Lingor Island today (Much more fun than Chernarus, very few geared players, much less hostility), but it seems like the Mike Tyson zombies also moved to Lingor. Please fixuh..

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Tried out Lingor Island today (Much more fun than Chernarus, very few geared players, much less hostility), but it seems like the Mike Tyson zombies also moved to Lingor. Please fixuh..

Please fix your unsupported unofficial map!
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Is this a joke? Ehm....what's Lingor Island? O_O

Ok unofficial map <_<

Edited by Secutor

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There are zombies like this in the original there is no use saying it here.. I have had my leg broken from the 1st hit when I was a fresh spawn. RNG ftw huh?

Btw from what I understand Rocket had nothing to do with the creation of Lingor island (correct me if i'm wrong) but i'm pretty sure you won't get help here.

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Rocket had nothing to do with Chernarus either. The point is these zombies being so god damn bugged.

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As blood decreases, color saturation starts to drain from the player's screen. Complete saturation loss usually occurs around 4000 to 3000 blood. At this point the character will occasionally shake, and a heart beat can be heard. Audio in the world becomes muted. At less than 5000, you will start to randomly fall Unconscious.

At a blood level of 0 or below, the player is dead.

  • 12000 - Max Blood
  • < 9000 - Susceptible to "one shot Knock out" from zombies
  • < 8000 - Color and sound begin to fade
  • < 5000 - May fall Unconscious This is a 1 out of 100 chance, calculated every second
  • < 4000 - Black and white screen, loss of much hearing capability
  • 0 - Player Dead

It's not really a bug, you just have to be wary of your blood level.

Edited by Viesis

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It's not really a bug, you just have to be wary of your blood level.

While it is true that being 9k and below makes you and easy knock out target for Zeds. I've had numerous personal experiences where I've had 10k, or even 12k blood and have it happen to me.

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I'd say when you go inside, stay away from the doors. When zombies are indoors, they can only walk. But when they get close enough to you to attack, they'll sprint a bit as if they were outside running. That's why it looked like the zombie ran in and knocked you over and ran back out again. Because you were at the door and the zombie walked close enough to hit you.

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You cruise in that room and leave your back to an open door ? Duuuuuuude.

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