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Sort Pv P murders by XY coords and create freefire zones

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You are keeping track of the P v P murders. Keep track of the XYZ coords and timestamps of each PvP murder victim.

Map that in a scatter plot graph or heat map, overlay on to Chernarus map,

create freefire=true zones where

Bandits players do not gain humanity,

Regular players who PvP a regular player does not gain or lose humanity,

Bandits players do not gain or lose humanity for P v P murders against all players,

but regular players get extra bonus for killing bandits inside the zone...

The hunters are given a refuge but,

The hunters become the caged prey in the zone.

Added bonus for those who want to maintain bandit status, they can lurk in the freefire-true zones and not regain humanity through slow regeneration.

Added bonus for those who want to kill bandits, since the freefire zone is located at the spot of the murder victim, any bandit long range snipers would be open game outside the freefire zones.

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I would prefer a safe-zone suvivor camps around the map which have baricaded up walls and when you go into them your weapon is perma holstered, and the AI npc would take no damage just in case. This would open up trade outposts for players and also serve as safezones. Some of the towns in the island atm are useless as all closed buildings so maybe even a whole town could be converted at some point.

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a known safe- eeh well, TRADE-zone would be a interesting addition, might even be a good place to arrange groups with strangers.

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Guys, I think you want too much from this mod. Not that it is not doable, but I think, and rocket few times stressed, that there is no way game will do something for you.

If you want safe zone, do it with other players and guard it.

And btw. after rocket's bandit-poll I bet bandit models are going to be removed from game (probably with whole humanity thingy)

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Apart from it most likely not possible to do right now it is going against the simple outset of this mod, 'SURVIVAL'

You don't counter players killing you by creating areas to make it 'easy' for you, survival is not easy. If you want to lonewolf it then the risks massively increase if you are around hotspot areas, as it should.

It is up to you to protect yourself, not the mod creators. Search out friendly survivors/groups and team up with them, with them create your safe-heaven. Sure the safe-haven may be that big rock out in the middle of no where but it gives you are point to group up. Plan to move on towns or airfields on force, a cheat a bit and use side chat to announce you are friendly but moving in on force. Get the stuff you need and get out and return to your protective safe-haven.

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Please everybody stop complaining about the Player Killing, it is part of the Mod. It's called Survival, if you cannot identify your target gun them down.

And please do not give me flak about this as most players know and understand this mod is kill, befriend or die. Survival of the fittest can be a bitch.


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