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Moon Jesus

DayZ works when launched through SixLauncher but not through steam

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I can launch DayZ through sixlauncher but when i open Combined Operations through steam DayZ doesn't work. Like it doesn't say "@DayZ" in white text on the right side of the screen at the main menu, anyone know a fix?

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Yes, I know a fix. See the link in my signature for step-by-step instructions.

Edited by Manta-Avoid

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you want to launch the beta client of OA, which you are likely not doing. if you manually launch the beta client from your OA directory, you can manually add all the expansions you want to load, restart the client and be good to go

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you want to launch the beta client of OA, which you are likely not doing. if you manually launch the beta client from your OA directory, you can manually add all the expansions you want to load, restart the client and be good to go

Can I get some elaboration on how to do that? By manually launch you just go to steamapps i'm guessing and launch the exe?

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