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Tents wiped.

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My crew and I filled about 4 tents full of goodies over about 6-7 hours today with plans of relocating and setting up a large base somewhere else.

Anyway, I had to restart the server later tonight when no one else was on. When I return, all my tents are wiped back to a previous saved (all tents are there, but only one tent has items in it... which was from about 12 hours ago).

All of our tents were saved in game long before the restart.

I tried stopping the game, and starting up. No go.

Tried BErcon #restart and #shutdown. Once again, no go.

And no, our gear wasn't stolen, as stated... one of the tents had 12+ gear in it. Indicating that tents are infact NOT saving when they are supposed to be. And no one looted us, out vehicles are still there.

This is not the first time this has happened either. This needs to be a priority other stupid bandit skins and face wraps. Sick of glaringly obvious bugs being ignored for shit like that.

Pick up your game.

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I agree, these need to be fixed, so you can actually start making camps and saving items, right now the only end game is to go hunting people really.. Though the bigger issue with it is that a tent thats saved with all the top rare gear, is full after every restart, so you can just keep going back and getting nice new AS50, NVG, RF etc after every restart..

I personally don't mind the PVP, but lots of people do seem to whine about it, and maybe alot of the PKers wouldn't be quite so hungry for fights, if they actually were risking losing their gear in those fights.. with the tents as they are, you don't have to worry, just go and pick up a new set after a server restart..

I just can't wait for the stand alone :) With this game having so many issues and still being awesome, the game, when it comes, promises to be something special :D

Edited by GroomExGtE

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