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Something weird that just happened.

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So I was walking around those medical tents in one of the bigger towns, carrying an AKS74u, a G17c and M107 in my backpack, along with a selection of other random crap, food and gear etc. I didn't have any M107 ammo. Anyway, as I was looking through some medical gear and sorting my inventory, I noticed I suddenly had an M107 in my hands.. I assumed I'd made a mistake organising my stuff, so opened my inventory to sort it out, but was suddenly carrying an M1911 too. Both weapons had loads of ammo and I was carrying alot of gear I didn't have before. Suddenly, I disappeared and spawned again on the coast amonst a selection of other players, all carrying the same weapon.

Last time something like this happened, it was some kind of death match situation and everyone was shooting one another. I assumed this time it was the same deal, and panicked, brought my sights up and killed about three people (one of which was named Rocket, but I doubt that was really him.) Thing is, I was first to shoot, no one else had fired until I did, and I think I may have only been killed because I started firing.

I just want to know what happened here, if I've lost all my gear, and want to apologise if I fucked something up for other players. Thanks.

Edited by cfinn

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