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2 Hackers at US 255

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Server this happened on : US 255

* Time that it happened including your timezone: GMT+1 About 19:20 - 19:30

* What happened during the incident: Alright, so me and two friends of mine in my clan, we ran very due west because we heard a heavy machine gun shot (AS 50 or FN FAL) Then we ran, then one of my friend yelled on skype ''You saw those two people spawning on a motorcycle infront of us?!'' We both turned around, we saw 2 people leaving the motorcycle then they went invisible, i pulled up my L85A2 AWS, Swapped to thermal then i saw the guy standing there with an AS50 pointed at me, then both of my friends said ''What are you shooting at?!'' And at that moment -=-Chris-=- Died, and i received a murder, i proned behind a tree and shot the other guy several times but he didnt die, then another guy in our clan yelled ''Abort! ''

Pitcure Proof - http://i.imgur.com/rRHek.jpg Here's a pitcure of the motorcycle and a guy infront of the motorcycle to the right, And the gunfire coming out of nowhere after i logged out.


Hackers Names?: -=- Chris -=- But we didnt catch the other guys name as he obviously was invincible.

Edited by Optimism

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