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any clans wanna fight?

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we are on uk135, and our openly inviting clans to war with.

uk135 house of towels

about where? up north or down at the coast? me n my crew of irl friends is not exactly a clan but we are usually 3-8 ppl playing together most with high end weapons and stuff, we are always up for some trouble. pm =)

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Hey, I'm not on day z at the moment as I'm away for a couple of days, I'll get back to u's tomoro. In the meanwhile u could just get some stuff ready on te server.

Not gona give away our location just yet....

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I saw your topic and waged solo war against your clan last night under the name "Chernogorsk_Bandit". I ran into two of your members at Northwest Airfield (Ragstorm and another) and Ragstorm almost killed me. I panicked and killed some animals to heal myself before leaving with them barricading themselves inside of the hangar closest to the fire house, I know it's ragstorm because I heard the name "rag" through direct, and he was the only one with a variation of the name on the server.

I played for a couple more hours and eventually ran across a camp REMOVED a guy sorting loot in his tents. Took him out, he had a HoT tag, one of your guys logged in on the underside of the dam and I was able to kill him/her as well. Proceeded to loot your tents and run over the others with the truck you had parked there. I saw that ragstorm and the other guy were still on the server so I left. Your motorcycle ate my M107 so I was stuck fighting with a L85 only. Engaging those two as they neared your camp was hard. At 800M I wasn't able to hit a thing with that L85.

One of them got up on the hill overlooking your camp and started scouting with what looked like an AS50, and I lost track of the other one. While trying to sneak up on your sniper, the other guy showed up on my thermals down in your tent area and started taking potshots at me. Your sniper logged off (Don't blame him, since he wasn't sure exactly where I was, and the other guy must have been trying to flank me on the hill).

Overall I was semi-impressed with your group. Nobody logged out when being fired at (I hate that, and I let the one guy take potshots at me with his L85 until he stopped, combat logging ruins the game). You also didn't immediately take your server down like many asshat admins tend to do. I look forward to trying to kill the rest of your clan in the future.

Edited by Spiili
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Haha goddamn it, I haven't been on, if I'd have been on ud be dead meat! Mabye.

Oh well

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