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Want Bizon with lots of ammo

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Hit me up with what you want for it, by lots of ammo i mean 5-6 mags at least.

I got as50 with lots of mags (found 2 as50 at NW barracks in the same room across 2 servers)



m9sd with no ammo



LOTS of sd stanag mags (found a ammo box)

Yes I'm a trading-bandit, i trade to be a better bandit. You can trust me though:


I'm off to college now so will only be back to confirm in a couple of hours.

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i have a bizon with 5 mags. I would trade it for NVG and rangefinder.

it's a bit weird that u found two AS50's in barracks since they spawn at heli crash sites only. I could drop any weapon on the ground and make a screenshot of it:) just your bandit status with 11 murders doesn't make me want to trust u. But u're in THE LIST, so we can try.

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Took a screenshot of it because it was weird lol, I'm currently holding a as50 with like 11 nato mags. Either way I'll PM you and we can meet over ts, steam, xfire or mumble.

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