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More variety in spawn points

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It wouldnt be a bad thing if there were more spawn points other than the furthest south of the map. I mean, the environment is huge. It would be nice to see the rest of the area without needing to walk for days heading north.

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without needing to walk for days heading north.

Oh come on. It maybe takes an hour to get to the northern border of the map.

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Yeah, but its always nice to have that separation between new players and more experienced players so that both new players cant immediately hit the International Airfield, or the more experienced players praying on the new ones.

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Oh come on. It maybe takes an hour to get to the northern border of the map.

ok, may be a bit of an exaggeration, but i defer to my original point

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You can spawn on the east coast too. :S

The storyline is that you've washed up on the shore, so spawning on the coast is kind of integral...

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You can spawn on the east coast too. :S

The storyline is that you've washed up on the shore, so spawning on the coast is kind of integral...

so why not add a story to how you start on other parts of the area? you could say that you are a survivor of a plane crash or something. just off the top of my head.

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The one plus of spawning on the coast is you have an immediate point of reference to navigate by. Generally a plus when you're first starting out, although I'd have no real problem either way.

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