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[ZH] Zombie Hords is Recruiting

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Fizzle45 and Jigglypuff, please expect a pm in your respective inbox very soon.

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Nightfire please expect a pm in your inbox very soon.

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In-game Name: Funshine

Steam name: SgtDrabik

Age: 41

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): +1

Mic: yes

How long you've been playing: since early May 3-4 months

Your preferred role and/or weapon: anything (I'm a lousy shot tough) preferred weapon = AKM

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): hero +50k

I'm getting bored with lonewolfing in the woods for months now, always getting shot every 4th/5th day because I don't have anybody to watch my back. Love crawling through zombie infested towns and get decent loot without firing my primary. Btw I'm Dutch and hope that my accent doesn't make anyone's ears bleed.

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IN game name: Derek Feng (possibly other will reply to PM once I find out)

Steam Name: Derek Feng

Age: 17

Time Zone: Pacific (US and Canada)

Mic: Beats Solo HD headphones (built-in mic)

How long have you been playing: 2 months w/ a month inactive. Rejoining soon and need a team.

Your preferred role and/or weapon: Lone Wolf M4A1 CCO SD

Humanity: 2500

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In-game Name: jokes

Steam name: annobangbang

Age: 21

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): GMT-6 (UTC-6, central time zome)

Mic: A decent one that will last me until I can afford a better one (poor college kid)

How long you've been playing: 2 weeks

Your preferred role and/or weapon: DM (I feel at home using anything with a scope)

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Somewhere close to 3000

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In-game Name: freshy

Steam name: darix123 username (FRESHy CRO steam name)

Age: 21

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): GMT+1

Mic: YES

How long you've been playing: 2 weeks

Your preferred role and/or weapon: always going for snipers, but before i find one im just running to find assault rifles and loot

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): im trying to survive and will kill those who shot at me first but my humanity is always in positive( over 3k)

Any additional details about yourself you may want to include: im from croatia, mature and friendly

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In-game Name: Hayden

Steam Name: heyyouman12

Age: 19

Current Time Zone: EST

Mic: Yes

How Long You've Been Playing: A little more than a month

Preferred Role: Sniper or Spotter or Forward Observer

Humanity: 3540

Comments: I can play Sat. Sun. Mon. Thurs. Fri. and I can play as long as I want to or needed to.

My brother is in the military and so is my sister. My brother is a E6 Engineer and my sister is an E7 as a doctor. I have a huge knowledge about military tactics thanks to them.

I do play competitive paintball so I am familiar with various kinds of tactics hands on.

Also, I am very good at doing a job that is assigned to me. I won't stray, lose interest, or disregard any order given. I will follow them and do the best job I can, even if it is just guarding an area. I am extremely well at being a long range sniper, support spotter, and a forward observer; yes I can do assault and such but I would prefer and I am better at those three things; although I will and can do other roles you assign to me .

Thank You for your consideration,

Hope to be accepted.


Edited by heyyouman12

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In-game Name: IIsilentjokerII

Steam name: iisilllentjokerii (messed up on my name)

Age: 15 but im really mature especially in dayz

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): eastern time

Mic: yea

How long you've been playing: 3-5 weeks

Your preferred role and/or weapon: any role, weapon dmr

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): survival

Edited by iisilentjokerii

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Drabik and ChalupaSupreme please check your respective inbox.

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Sorry wrong thread.

Edited by Zipp0

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In-game Name: Lock

Steam name: asdfgsdf0619

Age: 18

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): GMT -7

Mic: Yes

How long you've been playing: Two months

Your preferred role and/or weapon: M4A1 Camo SD

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Survivor

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In-game Name: jimbo

Steam name: thesilliestSEAL


The current time zone you're residing in(UTC):-6 ( central us time, Texas to be exact)

Mic: yes

How long you've been playing:about 3 weeks now

Your preferred role and/or weapon: as50/ m107 or any full auto rifle (ak/akm/m16/m4)

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): i can be whichever but as of now im at 2000 so survivor

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Ingame name: Evilwookie

Steam name: Furryfool (I don't use Steam as my Arma 2 is a physical copy, not digital download)

Age: 34 (yes I know............I'm ancient!)

Time zone: GMT +0 (U.K.)

Mic: Yes

How long you've been playing: Three months

Preferred role and/or weapon: Assault rifles, tend to play as lone wolf scavenger/scout as not been a member of any groups due to not trusting others due to the kill on sight policy. Therefore I am normally self sufficient. Wanting to do more group play hence why I'm putting in my application.

Humanity: 2400 Survivor (0 murders)

Ex British Army if that helps. Due to real life commitments (full time job, mortgage, wife), I can only get on when I've got the time spare.

Edited by Evilwookie

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In-game Name: Rotten

Steam name: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Rottenz

Age: 24

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): UTC−08:00.

Mic: Had to order a new one should be here friday

How long you've been playing: 4 weeks

Your preferred role and/or weapon: Scavenger AKM, FN FAL AN/PVS-4

and SVD Camo

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Survivor because a random server reset it.

Any additional details about yourself you may want to include:

I've been scouting out clans although lately I've not been up to being in a clan I've found myself to be bored as hell. So out of all the clans I've seen recruiting this one seems pretty legit. I like to hear that people in the clan are nice and mature. My last clan lacked so many things especially leadership. For the most part I enjoy looting supplies and bringing em back to my camp, finding vehicles and fixing them up. I like to stay away from cities because my graphics card or network or something just makes me super laggy. My longest time living so far has been a week because I'm a bit too impatient to wait around and do nothing so I'll go on random long hikes and see what kind of trouble I can get into. At the moment I don't have a mic, but I do have one on the way from ebay hopefully It's not a terrible piece of crap because it looked really bad ass in the picture. I'm mature but random when bored but not annoying or repetitive and I don't need to ask a bunch of stupid questions to get the hang of the game as I've been playing for about a month now and It's easy enough to search up a tutorial or look at your controls to see what and how to do something. Other than that, I'm pretty open so any other questions feel free to ask. Thanks.

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jokes, dario706 and heyyouman12 please check your respective inbox.

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TheLockingDead, iisilentjokerii and the silliestSEAL please check your respective inbox if you haven't already.

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In-game Name:Blazecrafter

Steam name: Sawyer7x7

Age:16 (Very mature for age)

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): Pacific Time

Mic: Yes

How long you've been playing: A month

Your preferred role and/or weapon: M4A3 CCO

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Survivor

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In-game Name:cory

Steam name:coryjac0b


The current time zone you're residing in(UTC):UTC -6 ( Central)


How long you've been playing: 2 months

Your preferred role and/or weapon: Support, enjoying m M240 at the moment.

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): 2500, but it's been stuck there and probably should have gone up.

I tend to stick to the north out of the populated cities unless there is something I really need, in fear of being shot by another player. I am looking to join a team and have a sense of security.

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Only just applied with these guys and haven't even bumped into them in the gameworld yet (im a bit out of the way atm), but they are very approachable and helpful!

Big thumbs up, if you are looking for a friendly clan this is it :)

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In-game Name: Preston

Steam name: Preston1

Age: 18

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): Eastern US

Mic: Yes (Built Into Computer)

How long you've been playing: About a month.

Your preferred role and/or weapon: I'll do basically whatever I'm told, I currently have a M4A1 CCO SD on my last mag 8 shots left.

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): 2500 I believe. I've never killed another player, heck I've rarely encountered another player.

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In-game name : Bryce

Steam name : uglymugs

Age : 18

Current Time Zone : (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Mic : Yup

How long you've been playing : 1 week

Preferred Role : Looter / Assualt

Humanity : 2500

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In-game Name: Yeshua

Steam name: eocnlogan

Age: 26

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): EST

Mic: Yes

How long you've been playing: Almost a month

Your preferred role and/or weapon: Assault Rifles, Point/Fireteam. I like to be in the thick of it.

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Currently survivor, willing to be anything.

Extra: Ex-Military Myself. Hoo-Rah Seabees! I can take orders, and I'm a decent shot. I played with a group, they disbanded. I'm a great driver, land and sea. Most of all I'm looking for a structured group that likes to have fun AND get stuff done.

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In-game Name: Kilotwo4

Steam name: Kilotwo4

Age: 28

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): EST but play time is late or early because of work.

Mic: Yes

How long you've been playing: about two months.

Your preferred role and/or weapon: I am willing to fulfill any role that you might need. I will do whatever it takes to help out.

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero):I am a survivor with 2500 humanity.

Any additional details about yourself you may want to include: Its really straight forward. I want to play with a group of fellow friends who share the same type of play style that I enjoy. I really enjoy teamwork and helping out players in game. I have been to your website and read a good bit about your clan. I am excited to join. I have been playing on one of your servers but have not come across any of your members in game yet.

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