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My Story - A good day to die

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So I have been at 3k blood for about 2 days now... roaming fields trying to find wildlife but no luck at all... now I have a compass so i start to head back to the coast in the hopes of getting into Cherno or Elektro to find some food.

I had made a post earlier in the day asking for help and a member "CaptainIcy" had agreed to help me with blood transfusion as we both had around 3k blood, good loot and he was NW of Elektro....so plan made we agreed to meet near Draken Rock (big lighthouse).

I arrived first and was scouting the area with my AS50 looking for any movement cow/sheep like but even a bush looks like an animal when you have grey blurry vision and no painkillers to stop the shaking but luckily saw a sheep :D so I decided to go hatchet it and eat some food to get my blood up.

So 10 minutes come buy and he steam type to me (he has no mic) saying his close by but hears lots of noise over Direct chat and can see a bus heading my way...fuck I say to myself as I had just gutted a sheep and had aggro a zeds (damn aggro glitch) from about 200m away, so while I am running around I start hearing shouting over Direct chat and about 800m away see the outline of a bus heading for me...I think to myself...fuck it, get into the trees and keep moving... by now got 4 zeds behind me and they are bound to see them chasing so will know I am there, none the less I make it to the tree-line and head diagonal up the hill to loose he zeds, now this was my main mistake, I decide to turn and shoot the zeds with my AS50 killing all 4...as I fire of the 4th round all I can hear over chat is... " did you hear that? see those zeds heading for the hill, lets check it out!"

Fuck fuck fuck!! I say again under shaky breath and head further up the hill... and I can hear the bus clearly now, turn around and see 4-5 well armed survivors get out the bus houting up the hill... "hey you! stop running!"

So I stop and go crouched behind a large tree and say "I am friendly"

At this point I can see they have at least 2 snipers pointing my way...

So after a tense 1-2 minutes I hear a loud shot and one of there guys drop... shit what the hell was that...Boom! bus gets hit and runs over another guy... now shit gets real and the remaining survivors get behind the bus with the backs to me and panicking over Direct Chat saying "it's the girl, she has friends!!" while I am franticly shouting back "it's not me dont shoot!"

Too late!! crack...snap...whiz!! Boom! "kill the bitch!!!" 3-4 guys open up on my position and I get in and loose 2.5k blood and pass out... fuck me I didn't even have time to aim before I was shot down.... no worries I say to myself..half the fun is starting again.

At this point "CaptainIcy" has just passed Elektro and can see the bus... then he types in... "Shit man...been sniped"

*CaptainIcy* has died.

We have a laugh over steam as he can hear me over Mic and agree to try and meet after spawn.


I hit re spawn and would you believe it I spawn at Draken Rock?!?

No sign of the bus and can see 3 bodies on the floor and one survivor running into the tree line near where I was, so I decide to go prone behind a bush and wait...I see him appear 2 minutes later with my AS50 strapped to his back and what looks like a m14? (black rifle with a light ? *purty*) he ignores the bodies and heads into Elektro.

I wait a few more minutes asking where Icy is and he is other side of map in Balota... damn, well I gotta look out for myself for a while longer then and make the decision to go look and those bodies and try and find mine...

So after a slow prone approach I reach the road, pretty open but I get to the first body, still warm and the sound of the flies is deafening! first body... couple bandages bit of food and water, and a hatchet...better then nothing...

Ok next body...now I can see he has a gun on his body, looks like an AK variant...result! I mumble to myself... as I approach I hear more voices over direct chat but at this point I dont care if they see me as I got nothing to loose but go prone and look around...but so no one, get to his body and he is wearing a scarf over his head? that's new so bandit skin?

So search his body, has an AKM but no ammo but has an Alice pack so take that and stick the gun in there, might get lucky with ammo...

So third body is right next to him and has tools of use, matches, compass watch, toolbox and an empty water bottle!... at least I can hunt now.

So I now go look for my body, and after about 5minutes running around the light forest I hear the flies and find my body..what an ass I used to have :P

So search my body and would you believe it, food, water tools, everything! minus NVG, Ghillie I was saving for Icy and AS50.

Even my Kobra! so dump the AKM take the Kobra and I feel almost elated and cant believe my luck! I tell Icy and he just types " you lucky bastard" and he tells me he has to log, so I need to decide either to go north and try my luck *Bush-whacking* or go to Elektro and go out in a blaze of glory... I decide to head north check the Map and Compass and start heading NW towards Stary...

Deicide to log out hen I see a new spawn behind chased by 10-20 Zeds and some reason I start shouting at him to come my way, I can Bino him and see he has no guns on him so consider him safe, after shouting direction from my hill he finally see's me and runs at me, zeds right behind him, lucky the hill pretty steep and shout at him to run diagonally

up, follows advice and makes it to top with a good 50m from closest Zeds, tell him to follow me and we circle round the forest and I show him to Elektro, this guy has a mic and asks in a strong Lincolnshire accent why I didn't shoot him, 'shows the mentality of most players of this game who shoot new spawns' he thanks me and I offer to give him directional assistance over to Elektro fire station... so perched on a hill I get him to join TS3 and Bino around Elektro and seems clear enough, so he runs down the hill and heads for the Station... 5 minutes later he says he found a pistol and a hatchet and an Czech Backpack, now I normally not trusting but this guy seems Ok, talking about Olympics and general chat tell him to head back to my position with hatchet out and pistol in his pack.

Now I do a scan and just about to say it is clear when I see another survivor heading for fire station and this guy is in plane site through the windows, shout at him to get to the bottom floor but he is just standing there... "dude! wtf are you doing! get out of there!" by now the other guy has seen him and I can hear him start shooting just as my new friend gets back, he freaks out and goes prone but has been hit and gone unconscious, he asks if I can help but I am 500m+ away and would be seen way before I even get close, So I apologize and watch as the other guy runs into the station, hear 1 distinctive shot and "cant remember name" has died... sorry dude...I tried... WISH I HAD AS50 THEN! he laughs it off and says he has spawned in Cherno and bids me farewell and thanks then leaves TS3...

Feeling a little bit bad I fire couple shots of at the station to try n coax the guy out and to my position but nothing can be seen and then I notice "wanker 1" has disconnected so maybe he Alt+F4 not sure?!

Wait 1 more minute, see no movement and head into the fields and forest's find a cow, gut it and cook some meat...

Now I decide to log and I laugh to myself with a big sigh.

This is happened on Saturday morning around 10:30 GMT+0.

So to sum it up, went from well armed with 3k ish blood to kinda well armed with full blood and had kinda done a good deed...was a good day to die indeed ;)

Hope people reading this see that not everyone is a heartless asshole and is willing to help :)

Hope you liked, and for people that read it all... :)




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Good story mate.

That was a good day :)

Edited by SumoS

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Cheers guys ^^ would of had more info if I had posted straight after, but Saturday isn't a day for typing ;) ITS A DAY FOR GAMING AND DRINKING!

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