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Hackers in US153

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uS 153 Anzu's war games

Time Ingame: 4:20 PM My time:4:20 AM

The hackers spawned everyone in the server into an open location and continued to shoot everyone.

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i will bring this to the server admins attention if he does not see it before hand. Do you have any evidence or information to provided apart from what you have posted here?

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i will bring this to the server admins attention if he does not see it before hand. Do you have any evidence or information to provided apart from what you have posted here?

I wish I did but thats all the info I am able to provide. It was to crowded to see what there names were and since this was the first time this happened to me (although i am aware of people doing this) I was to confused to do anything as soon as it happened.

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I'll take a look through the logs but it's really hard to find much unless we have something more to go on. Thanks for letting us know about this though. Next time, try to gather as much evidence as possible, screenshot player list, chat messages, anything suspicious you saw, etc. :)

FYI, we have our own forums section for posting Ban requests that usually get dealt with faster, in case we don't reply on here fast enough. You can check it out at: http://www.anzuswarg...ewforum.php?f=5

Edited by anzu

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