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Low res skins

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Well im not one for conspiracy theories buuuuuuuutttttttt.......

Since the removal of the bandit skin. It seems that a fair few skins , if not all the skins in game ( from my knowledge may be wrong ). Require the PLC DLC.

what does this mean? That every player in the game who doesnt own PLC ( Majority ) Characters look awful.

I mean the standard arma 2 characters Chedaki , Napa fit this enviroment perfectly , they look good ( Balacalavas , sleeping bags on back , half masks). So why not use these guys :(?

People are very vain creatures, and this extends into video games , take for example team fortress 2 , people adore there hats. And are even willing to pay £5-10 simply to look better , in a virtual video game.

So i dont understand , maybe dayz is just a selling point to get people to buy PLC DLC.

How many of you guys have bought PLC just to have ur player character skin look a lot better?

I know its early days , but is this going to change? will all the new skins require PLC or DLC? Or will we have to buy them at a online store?

Im by no means accusing of dayz being a cash cow :p.

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First off its PMC (Private Military Company) not PLC.

Secondly, I believe the reason PMC DLC is used is because of a backpack issue.

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First off its PMC (Private Military Company) not PLC.

Secondly' date=' I believe the reason PMC DLC is used is because of a backpack issue.


Aye backpack issue I believe is the reason

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i have done research into arma II characters and found a slew of them that dont require DLC packages and are enabled to use backpacks with the skelton structure .

this raised a game that required only OA and ArmaII to now include DLC's if you want to play wiht best quality .

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Backpack issue is right.

Reg arma units aren't able to use or equip backpacks properly (afaik). Arrowhead and beyond can use backpacks without the extra hassle.

Not 100%, but fairly certain.

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Aaaaah okay silly me :p , but its a shame all the units are Low res : <. I dont have any money for the DLC and dont really want it anyway , the campaign is usually buggy and scripts dont work with arma 2 campaigns.

Hope there are custom made skins :)

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Just another stupid question - I've bought PMC yesterday after finding camo skin in DayZ. And while other player characters look ok for me (with higher-rez textures) my own character looks the same (low-rez texture). I wonder if anybody has come across of this issue.

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The camo skin comes from BAF expansion.

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I'm not sure why they used the ghillie from BAF. It's identical to the Russian ghillie from ARMA2. They could have given players that skin instead of the awful low res ghillie skin from BAF lite.

Maybe they did it to give players a little more incentive to buy the DLCs. (I own both DLCs already, but if this is the case I think it's somewhat in poor taste)

Don't know about this backpack issue you guys are talking about, but backpacks aren't visible on ghillie skins so I don't know if this issue applies.

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