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If its fallen over there is no way to get on it as your man is apparently to weak to lift it lol. if its standing give it a shot.

Edited by Furry_PawstarZ

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i have a grenade tho, whats it do i f i bomb it

I dunno about a bicycle, not sure if it would burst into flames like a car.... I'm guessing that would be a bit unrealistic, however not being able to pick up a bicycle is unrealistic too. Who knows with DayZ. Let us know how it goes.

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oh wish i could, before i could throught he grendade i got ported to the wilderness with a bunch of people completely stripped and no way to respawn or die etc. so what do i now do

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Which server was this on? I know of two bikes stuck in the ocean :D

Also, if you are in wilderness, just respawn, you'll be on the coast.

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