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Almost Hacker Free Servers?

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Aww I just got killed again by having a car seemingly teleported on me while sitting in the forest. I let out a sigh. Even though I should be use to it by now.

Any survivors out there with relatively good experiences on certain server(s)?

I tend often to not stick to one single server as when I play I usually join the one with the lowest ping from commander.

I guess this lends to me getting smacked by hackers a lot more then some people.

So can I get a few suggestions up in here for servers that seem to be struck by hackers maybe a bit less frequently?

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^^^ +1

My server doesn't usualy get hit untill population is about 35+ "USUALY"

But low pop seems to be the way to go.

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My home server, US 1169, has never had a hacker that I know of. I've been playing it for almost a month, and everybody seems to be enjoying themselves. Albeit, the peak users the server gets probably averages around 20~ish.

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I had a firendly hacker ask if i was bandit or friendly and i said friendly then he said okay and spawned a ammo crate with every item in game

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One could only dream of such a server!

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