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Hacking has got to go

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At present, it is clear that the sheer quantity of malicious script kiddies running amok on our servers is beyond ridiculous. With the means to purge every player on any given server at the push of a button, what options do we actually have for maintaining and looking after the community so that the game can actually be played? Right now, not all that much..

As a result of this, genuine players of the mod such as you and I are unable to have a positive playing experience with DayZ, as a server administrator, I've seen it happen frequently, and the problem is escalating daily.

BattlEye simply isn't enough to combat these miscreants. We all know that the engine is very easily exploited, and that the unsporting individuals that are abusing this fact generally don't need to be capable hackers. The community desperately needs a potent solution to this currently overbearing problem, as existing measures are clearly insufficient.

I believe that the best way to combat this problem is to give the power back to the server administrators. In the short term, I would personally like to see the developers ease up on the use of server passwords, as this would allow server administrators to limit their player base to trusted individuals.

In theory, server staff could set up a server access request thread here on the forums. Players wishing to play on the given server could request the password (updated weekly or as required), and the server staff then email these 'whitelisted' players the password. If a whitelisted player is caught cheating on the server, the updated passwords are no longer sent to them and they are, for all intents and purposes, blacklisted. I wouldn't have any problem naming and shaming any offenders also in a similar thread.

I realize that this approach may raise other issues, such as loot farming and the potential for an unfair playing advantage to whitelisted players, but I believe that a well moderated server with a significant number of players would greatly benefit from such a system, and widespread adoption of such a method would certainly take the edge off server hacking and re-establish the integrity of DayZ and it's community, at least until a better solution can be instated.

Be sure to share your thoughts and opinions. If something like this is going to work, it will require numbers and additional input, no doubt.

Edited by Alopex
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Well of course it does, the problem is Battleye is a horrid software and DayZ doesn't have a seperate anti cheat software.

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Well of course it does, the problem is Battleye is a horrid software and DayZ doesn't have a seperate anti cheat software.

As I've stated, I understand this to be the case also, hence I am suggesting a community sourced solution.

Edited by Alopex

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Yea, sounds good, i'm for this idea...

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Great idea, least this way it would cut down hacking maybe not a lot at first but over time i think this would be an excellent solution.

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Issue also arises that some players may not be "liked" and also in a roundabout way get "blacklisted".

I don't always play on the same server, in fact I am probably on a different server depending on what time of day I am playing / how long I am playing for, connection issues, / where are my friends playing and so on.

It just seems to me that this could create a huge bottleneck.

In teh first few weeks it would probably be ok, but I can see people getting a little "lazy" with it after a while and either not sending the passwords, or not changing them.

Kudos for coming up with something though, it's not a "bad" idea, I just think it has some areas that could cause problems.

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Support 100%, I've stopped playing recently due to not being able to enjoy a fair game due to hackers, wish you weren't Aussie so I could play on your server. Only problem with this is not all server admins are I assume are as mature as you are and would abuse their powers, but yeah still support.

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Imagine an anti cheat program that broadcasts GUID over global anytime someone times out or gets kicked........

Imagine an anti cheat program that kicked every member of a server THEN refused to allow them to any other server (even though its a local kick) and you were forced to blank a script file to get it to work.

Imagine if said anti cheat program had to adhere to the same false advertising laws as the country it operates in, they would be broke from law suits inside of 5 min.

Get your shit together BE your RUINING rockets game with your inability to stop even the most basic of scripts and when these "legal grey areas" get resolved on the net youll be in a world of lawsuits w/o shit for proof your program actually does what it advertises.

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