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Geo1 (DayZ)

Near Electro hills, 3 survivors and music playing

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Heard the 3 six mafia music playing and saw 3 survivors running on the hill around Electro. Anyone else see this?


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These thugs don't mess around! Watch out for plenty of lollipops and shorty's.

Edited by mishak

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My group has actually done something similar... We build a nice fire and sit around it, and one of us direct chat-s playing his guitar.

Weird thing was that like 6 random survivors came out of the dark and sat down next to us.

After everything was said and done, the randoms payed him in beans and went their separate ways. One of the moments that reaffirm DayZ's absoulte uniqueness.

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124 is full of hacking fags. exactly how do you get a point blank kill in the middle of no where 10 seconds after you spawn into the server? oh and how convient that the server reboots immediatley after you die.

Edited by TheUnaBoner

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