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Serveral Problems(Game not playable anymore)

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I encounter these problems since 1.7.2.

What I encounter is this: I spawn and look out for items. This leads to either a) I can use the items and play on the server but they wont be saved if I logg off no matter how long I play.

B) I get kicked from the server without any reason ( Ingame it says "signature check timeout"). Leading to gear not saved, too.

The servers that kick me only do that when I loot items. Running around and no interaction with items seems to avoid it.

I seem to have heavy desync where I loot items succesfully but they only seem to be on my end (desync). It shows when I put them in my backpack or in a tent/vehicle. Nobody other than me would see these items and even I cant take them back to my Inventory.

Also in some cases I cant enter vehicles for very long. (desync)

It also happens that I am far up in the north. Play around do stuff relogg several times because of the problems explained before. And then suddenly after I got dropped of the server and relogg again Iam at the postion where I originally was(at respawn/first coords on the server) after some hours of playtime.

How I tried to fix this:

Reinstall everything.

verifying game integrity in steam like this: arma2 verify - start + arma2OA verify -start + battleeye manual install

I opened the ports in my router

I completely removed antivir software

Turned firewall off and made exceptions for dayz

Info of my end:

6mbit Connection

Good Ping in Server Menues and other games, no loss etc.

Windows XP Pro SP3 uptodate

I have no problems in any other game or software.

I know its alpha and it is no complain just a feedback.

thanks for any help

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