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Item Farming. Items respawn way too fast.

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Date/Time: May 01/2012

What happened: A group of half a dozen survivors were raiding the military camp north of Stary Sobor. We were clearing the tents completely, grabbing all the loot, cans, magazines, and placing them outside. We did this to every single tent, every single 'loot pile', and by the time we cleared all the tents, items completely respawned inside them. It took anywhere from 5 - 10 minutes for the items to respawn.

In 30 minutes we quite literally had fifteen primary weapons, a ton of ammo, smokes, empty cans, everything that can be looted. In an hour we had at least 15 AKMs alone, we were joking how common and trash AKMs were. There was so much loot it was spilling onto the floor.

Pictured in the screenshots: Trash loot.

I do not know how the item spawning mechanics work, but this is just insane. Tweaking is definitely necessary.

Where you were: Military camp north of Stary Sobor.

What you were doing: Farming gear.

*Current installed version: 1.5.3

*Server(s) you were on: US - 1

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A couple of guys in my group claim that items spawn much faster on (some of?) the US servers compared to the EU ones. Not sure if it's a setting or a bug.

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A couple of guys in my group claim that items spawn much faster on (some of?) the US servers compared to the EU ones. Not sure if it's a setting or a bug.

Tested your claim. Not true, this was replicated on FR-3 and EU-2. Exact same situation, by the time we completely cleared the tents, new items would spawn, sometimes taking 5-10 minutes, sometimes taking less than a minute(!). I'll repeat again, though, for this to be done we cleared 'everything' from the loot piles; guns, ammo, empty cans, everything.

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Interesting bug, but why would you black out chat and the debug monitor? I don't get it

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Confirmed on most servers I've played on.

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I think loot respawn has been 5 minutes since the beginning. I noticed you can just make loops through a city like Elektro. Or even running from the docks, north to the bank or power station, then south to the docks again, everything will have re spawned.

I feel it should be a bit longer. I would try increasing the timer to 20 minutes. If you come across an empty building-tough shit. Even with 50 players, I don't run into many people except at high value loot areas like cites, airstrips and military bases, and people always seem to have TONS of high end gear which I almost never find because I don't game it up and loot the same place every 5 minutes.

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