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ENB Settings?

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Has anyone tried using ENB with DayZ? I found one post on here saying to use the Fallout NV settings, but after struggling to get it to work, when I finally did all it did was put a green tint over everything. However, I know from using ENB with Skyrim (theoretically a similar game in terms of environment - lots of trees, nature, etc) that it can look awesome.

Anyone know of good settings for DayZ, and where to find them/what version of ENB to use?

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Swap the ENB palette from your current installation and try a different one, maybe the palette you used in Skyrim. I happen to know there are a few popular palettes at least made for Skyrim, having toyed with that a while back.

I'm not interested in using ENB for Day Z myself so I haven't tried any.

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Yeah there's a ton of different options for skyrim, I have yet to try directly porting over my skyrim enb settings - maybe that'll work, definitely worth trying

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doesn't seem to work. will play around with it more tomorrow.

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