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Veteran to Regular

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I am just wondering what is the actual difference?

Is it that zombies can find you easier?

You need more liquid ect.

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The difference isn't in behavior or anything like that.

It actually comes from the Arma II game and is a general way of describing server settings. There are no rules, so it's more of a general indicator.

Usually, these designations refer to a few settings...


3rd person view

Name tags and range indicators

They are usually off for veteran servers and on for recruit.

Not always, through, and there are scores of other server flags, like map indicators, swim gear loss, &c, &c.

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The Veteran Server I play on has third person.

However, Regular lets you see peoples names as you hover over them, good for spotting people, but if you want to be stealthy and have a ghillie, it's not good!

Also, you take more damage from players in Veteran (not sure about zombies though).

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