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Wrongful banning from US 1154.

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A couple days ago, me and my brother were playing on US 1154 during a hack attack.

The attackers teleported all players into the sky to fall to their deaths. I was spared as I was in a vehicle at the time. My brother, however, was not so lucky. He did manage to disconnect before death got to him, and got away with just a broken leg. But was banned soon afterwards.

I appreciate the proactive nature of those who own US 1154 and their readiness to protect their players, and I understand why they thought he was a perpetrator in the attack as he was one of the few who survived, but if possible, I would appreciate any information on ways to contact the server owners if I cannot reach them here to help sort this out.

My brother goes by the name "Ryhen" ingame. If any further information is needed, just let me know.

Thanks in advance.

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I cannot find a US 1154 on any of the launchers, thru Arma2 Multiplayer list nor through gametracker.com.

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I was in US 1154 not 10 minutes ago grabbing some gear for my brother. I launch from DayZ Commander, and can also find 1154 in the ingame browser.

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I will ask the admin about this if it has not been resolved already.

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Sorry to reply in your thread instead of making my own but I figured it'd be relevant here seeing as I was wrongfully banned myself.

I was just playing on this server when a hacker teleported everyone to each other. I instantly d/c to lobby when over the mic I hear two guys in group chat saying "oh, it's gotta be 'a sexual predator' / I bet he's the one who did it!" Then shortly after I heard them say that I was kicked and banned from the server. Apparently having someone say "I bet it was him!" is enough to warrant a ban.

So, yeah. My point with this post is that you should be wary of playing on this server because when hacking occurs the admins will essentially close their eyes and pick a person at random and then draw false connections between you and the incident and ban you for it. Just like they did with the original poster's brother and just like they did with me.

(this is to say you banned the wrong guy, admins.)

Edited by VGTG

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Sorry to reply in your thread instead of making my own but I figured it'd be relevant here seeing as I was wrongfully banned myself.

I was just playing on this server when a hacker teleported everyone to each other. I instantly d/c to lobby when over the mic I hear two guys in group chat saying "oh, it's gotta be 'a sexual predator' / I bet he's the one who did it!" Then shortly after I heard them say that I was kicked and banned from the server. Apparently having someone say "I bet it was him!" is enough to warrant a ban.

So, yeah. My point with this post is that you should be wary of playing on this server because when hacking occurs the admins will essentially close their eyes and pick a person at random and then draw false connections between you and the incident and ban you for it. Just like they did with the original poster's brother and just like they did with me.

(this is to say you banned the wrong guy, admins.)

There is only one admin for this server. How does someone talking in the lobby have anything to do with it? If you ask him, I am sure he'll show you a copy of the logs of what he found and the reason for banning you. If it was wrongfull, "like the OP" the matter will be dealt with and you'll be unbanned. If not, then he'll post a copy of the logs showing what you did to deserve the ban.

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How does someone talking in the lobby have anything to do with it?

Well, first off it's called context. Secondly, it wasn't just someone "talking in lobby." It was someone throwing accusations that I was the one doing the shit. Thirdly, when you know there's no other reason as to why you should be banned and you're actually done so immediately after someone places the blame on you.. it's a bit peculiar, no?

Sure, I can be unbanned from the server but would it change anything? No, it wouldn't. In the end I would have still been banned unfairly.. so why would I want to go back there? You don't just ban people because you have a hunch that they might be the culprit.

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Well, first off it's called context. Secondly, it wasn't just someone "talking in lobby." It was someone throwing accusations that I was the one doing the shit. Thirdly, when you know there's no other reason as to why you should be banned and you're actually done so immediately after someone places the blame on you.. it's a bit peculiar, no?

Sure, I can be unbanned from the server but would it change anything? No, it wouldn't. In the end I would have still been banned unfairly.. so why would I want to go back there? You don't just ban people because you have a hunch that they might be the culprit.

Actually, a lot of server admins ban everyone in the server at the time of a hacker intrusion and unban those that were not found to be apart of any suspicious activity that shows in the logs. I don't care if you don't come back to the server. So... First off, someone talking in the lobby has nothing to do with this. Secondly, do you know who was accusing you? lol. Thirdly, no it's not a bit peculiar. I'm sure the admin had enough evidence to ban you. Hell, just your name "a sexual predator" deserves a ban in itself. Gee Gee breh

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Actually, a lot of server admins ban everyone in the server at the time of a hacker intrusion and unban those that were not found to be apart of any suspicious activity that shows in the logs.

Well, this isn't that case. I was playing with a friend at the time and he never got banned. I also tried rejoining shortly and there was plenty of people playing.

I don't care if you don't come back to the server.

That is just fascinating, guy.

So... First off, someone talking in the lobby has nothing to do with this.

I'm sorry, but I believe it does. The admin of this server obviously doesn't always rely on proof and will sometimes ban solely on assumption (case in point: this thread). So I feel that when these guys said what they said he considered it and agreed with their rationale. The reasoning of "since he has an immature name and only immature people hack he must be the one." That is why I consider it relevant.

Regardless, this is pointless. You obviously aren't going to give in because you're best buds with the admin. And I'm also not going to give in because I know I'm innocent regarding this incident. So, uh, how about you just get the admin and see what he has to say.

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Well, this isn't that case. I was playing with a friend at the time and he never got banned. I also tried rejoining shortly and there was plenty of people playing.

That is just fascinating, guy.

I'm sorry, but I believe it does. The admin of this server obviously doesn't always rely on proof and will sometimes ban solely on assumption (case in point: this thread). So I feel that when these guys said what they said he considered it and agreed with their rationale. The reasoning of "since he has an immature name and only immature people hack he must be the one." That is why I consider it relevant.

Regardless, this is pointless. You obviously aren't going to give in because you're best buds with the admin. And I'm also not going to give in because I know I'm innocent regarding this incident. So, uh, how about you just get the admin and see what he has to say.

Well, that's good for your friend. Not good for you. /shrug

Yes, it's quite fascinating.

Case in point: this thread? lol Regardless, the op was unbanned and everything was handled accordingly.

Yes, it's pointless and fun for me to see someone get their panties in a twist. I never give in, and yes I am friends with the admin. You may be innocent, but how about YOU message him. Obviously, he posted in this here thread so it should be easy for you to find him and shoot him a message. Why would I go out of my way for you? lol What does it matter? You said yourself "so why would I want to go back there". As always, have nice day.

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Case in point: this thread? lol

http://dictionary.re...e/case in point ;)

Regardless, the op was unbanned and everything was handled accordingly.

Yet again I have to repeat myself for you. You shouldn't be banning people without hard proof (e.g. logs). It makes no difference if in the end he was unbanned. That doesn't somehow make it alright. So why again are you bringing up this argument?

You may be innocent, but how about YOU message him. Obviously, he posted in this here thread so it should be easy for you to find him and shoot him a message. Why would I go out of my way for you? lol What does it matter? You said yourself "so why would I want to go back there". As always, have nice day.

I think you should go back to my original reply. My intention was not to get unbanned or even a reply from the admin (let alone Mr. Assistant). I would have made my own thread if that were the case.

Though I'm quite sure you've already relayed the situation to him, huh? :)

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/applaud You can use an online dictionary.

So, you post on the forums to cry about a ban which you said yourself you don't care for an unban. Yet again, /applaud to you sir. I haven't told him about it. You can do that yourself since you're obviously wanting someone to read your post. As always, have nice day.

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And to spell it out for you, the admins have the right to ban who they see fit when it comes to the hacking / scripting issue. It is quite alright. If you are caught in the middle, just like the op... oh well. There are ways to handle the issue. Man up baby cakes. As I said, I enjoy watching people like you get your panties in a twist.

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/applaud You can use an online dictionary.

So, you post on the forums to cry about a ban which you said yourself you don't care for an unban. Yet again, /applaud to you sir. I haven't told him about it. You can do that yourself since you're obviously wanting someone to read your post. As always, have nice day.

Yeah, too bad the same can't be said for you.

But what is with you parroting my comments and failing to comprehend what's being said? This would be like the fourth time I've explained myself.

.. or are you just trying to troll/get a rise because I called out your friend/server?

And to spell it out for you, the admins have the right to ban who they see fit when it comes to the hacking / scripting issue. It is quite alright. If you are caught in the middle, just like the op... oh well. There are ways to handle the issue. Man up baby cakes. As I said, I enjoy watching people like you get your panties in a twist.

.. and to spell it out for you they can't. There are rules and guidelines even admins need to follow. You're absolutely right, though. If you're caught in the middle then tough luck. Which is precisely why I made my post.. to give other players a heads up about how things are apparently ran on your server.

Are we done here? :thumbsup:

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Obviously I have gotten the rise. :thumbsup: To spell it out for you, they can and will. As I said from the start, I am sure he banned you for a valid reason and had proof. As I also said from the start, if you feel it was not fair or need proof then ask him yourself. This server is ran better than most, but nice try. The server has been populated and will continue to be populated during peak hours. No matter how hard you try to degrade it. Are we done here? :thumbsup:

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He has solid proof, huh? You mean just like the solid proof that got the original poster banned?

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As I said, he probably does. I don't know. I didn't see the logs and have not spoken to him. And I will say it again, ask him if it's that important to you. It obviously is that important to you. Have a nice night baby cakes.

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Obviously I have gotten the rise. :thumbsup: To spell it out for you, they can and will. As I said from the start, I am sure he banned you for a valid reason and had proof. As I also said from the start, if you feel it was not fair or need proof then ask him yourself. This server is ran better than most, but nice try. The server has been populated and will continue to be populated during peak hours. No matter how hard you try to degrade it. Are we done here? :thumbsup:

As I said, he probably does. I don't know. I didn't see the logs and have not spoken to him. And I will say it again, ask him if it's that important to you. It obviously is that important to you. Have a nice night baby cakes.

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You can obviously read. I'm sure he does have a valid reason. I assumed he does from the start. Both posts show that. If you want to see it, message him yourself. You're a big boy aren't you? Pull those huggies up and ask him for a copy of the logs as to why you were banned. Again, have nice day.

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Have you ever considered the thought that you might be a simple-minded person? I've made my point quite clear from the beginning but you just aren't comprehending it. Since you have obvious learning disabilities I'm going to bold/word this statement so even a young child can understand: I don't need him to tell me why I was banned because I already know the reason why.

What is so hard to understand about that?

.. or are you just going to fall back on the excuse of being a troll again? Yeah, that's why you keep repeating yourself with the same rebuttals even though I've already explained myself quite clearly. Mhmm, mhmm.

Look here, guy. I'm going to do us both a favor and stop responding to you after this post. Everything has already been said. But please continue posting your lame memes if wish. It's cool.

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I completely understand the situation. You were banned for hacking. You came to these forums to cry about it and claim that you were wrongfully banned. I simply said that I am sure he had a valid reason. Which means I am assuming he made the right decision. If you wanted the admin to show you the proof, all you need to do is ask him. Which I have told you many times. You say you don't need him to show you the proof. All you have done thus far is show me that you know how to quote someone on these forums. Oh, and the massive amount of tears you have shed. You aren't doing me a favor by not responding. You're making me quite sad. :( xoxo

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