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Psycho (DayZ)

Instant KO, resulting in death.

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Date/Time: Happened a few times in the past few days.

What happened: Occasionally a zombie will manage to somehow instantly KO you, even from what appears to be a distance. Unless you're with buddies, you will be instantly KO'd and killed. Even if you're with buddies, the zombies will still do a good deal of damage on you before your buddy can save you.

Where you were: All over.

What you were doing: Trying to not die from zombies.

*Current installed version: 1.5.3.

*Server(s) you were on: US1

*Your system specs: Shrug

*Timeline of events before/after error:

1. See zombie

2. Shoot zombie

3. Too many zombies!

4. Run from zombies

5. Shoot zombies again.

6. Zombie instant KOs me

7. Dead.

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It's not a bug, rather a bad mechanic and there are other threads about this.

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Its ArmA. Just a bit of dsync. This has happened more times than I can count. Sometimes 'parts' of the game just seem to freeze up and not respond right, durring that time you are getting hit by a zombie.

here is an example: http://youtu.be/3Y77nyaqR8E?t=9m48s

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