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US 257 Seattle "(BattlEye: Banned (IAnon Banned Weapon))"

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I decided to play some DayZ so I got on a server with decent people. I was carrying two illegal weapon called AS50 TWS and M4A1 Holo SD, which I got from a guy I killed. I was on a hill northeast of Elektro and saw some guy shooting I sniped him and sniped a guy who he was shooting, 2 Bandit Kills. The first guy's body disappeared for some reason so I was like "what ever" I looted the second guy which had a L85A2 AWS with lots of ammo. 2 seconds after I looted the body it said (BattlEye: Banned (IAnon Banned Weapon)). I guess one of them was an Admin or someshit. I logged in into another server to make sure it wasn't a global ban...it wasn't. But I still didn't have my L85A2 AWS or my other found hacked weapon that I got from a guy I killed(M4A1 Holo SD). Even though I had it and used it it is stated by Rocket that you CAN use it and will NOT be banned for using it. Here is a screenshot


Here is the story of how I got the 2 hacked weapons: http://dayzmod.com/f...re-pussies-too/

EDIT: If you are gonna bitch about me getting the hacked weapons you can leave :D It is stated that you can't get banned.

Edited by IAnon

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Rocket was referring to a global ban. There are a lot of admins, even though it's technically against the server hosting TOS, that will ban you from their server if you have a hacked item in your possession. Is it really that hard to just not use an illegal weapon and then you never have to worry about it?

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I decided to play some DayZ so I got on a server with decent people. I was carrying two illegal weapon called AS50 TWS and M4A1 Holo SD, which I got from a guy I killed. I was on a hill northeast of Elektro and saw some guy shooting I sniped him and sniped a guy who he was shooting, 2 Bandit Kills. The first guy's body disappeared for some reason so I was like "what ever" I looted the second guy which had a L85A2 AWS with lots of ammo. 2 seconds after I looted the body it said (BattlEye: Banned (IAnon Banned Weapon)). I guess one of them was an Admin or someshit. I logged in into another server to make sure it wasn't a global ban...it wasn't. But I still didn't have my L85A2 AWS or my other found hacked weapon that I got from a guy I killed(M4A1 Holo SD). Even though I had it and used it it is stated by Rocket that you CAN use it and will NOT be banned for using it. Here is a screenshot


Here is the story of how I got the 2 hacked weapons: http://dayzmod.com/f...re-pussies-too/

EDIT: If you are gonna bitch about me getting the hacked weapons you can leave :D It is stated that you can't get banned.

I usually fight for people like you. Sadly though, you're hiding behind something Rocket said which isn't an actual server rule. You knew the weapons you picked up were illegal and instead of doing the right thing, you're going to raise your middle finger and be a shit crying, "But Rocket said so and so". Frankly, due to this act, I say you were an intentional disruption to the server and pray the ban stays. Further, I hope every admin on every server you visit to disrupt with your hacked weapons also bans you.

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Rocket was referring to a global ban. There are a lot of admins, even though it's technically against the server hosting TOS, that will ban you from their server if you have a hacked item in your possession. Is it really that hard to just not use an illegal weapon and then you never have to worry about it?

I though server owners can't ban you global...and I would happily don't use the hacked weapon but I don't have another one and I have to much good stuff to go and look for one :/

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I usually fight for people like you. Sadly though, you're hiding behind something Rocket said which isn't an actual server rule. You knew the weapons you picked up were illegal and instead of doing the right thing, you're going to raise your middle finger and be a shit crying, "But Rocket said so and so". Frankly, due to this act, I say you were an intentional disruption to the server and pray the ban stays. Further, I hope every admin on every server you visit to disrupt with your hacked weapons also bans you.

I am totally hiding behind Rocket.

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Pretty sure admins can kick you and/or ban you from their server whenever they want. Most usually have a good reason, but sometimes you just get screwed. Although you're hiding behind Rocket, a lot of people really don't care when you're using a weapon not intended to be used in DayZ, it just isn't fair.

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I though server owners can't ban you global...and I would happily don't use the hacked weapon but I don't have another one and I have to much good stuff to go and look for one :/

They can't globally ban you, but they can pass around your IP, GUID, and IGN to other admins, and let them ban you too.

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Pretty sure admins can kick you and/or ban you from their server whenever they want.

no, they can't. at least they are not allowed to by rocket's TOS. don't run dayz if you want your own rules.

and they can't check your inventory, unless they get close so they can actually see your weapon in hand/on back, or can check your backpack.

i guess if you are an arma 2 crack and know how every possible weapon mod looks ingame, its possible to tell.

either this, or hacks.

Edited by Azrail

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no, they can't. at least they are not allowed to by rocket's TOS. don't run dayz if you want your own rules.

and they can't check your inventory, unless they get close so they can actually see your weapon in hand/on back, or can check your backpack.

i guess if you are an arma 2 crack and know how every possible weapon mod looks ingame, its possible to tell.

They can, but they shouldn't according to the TOS. A of of them do though and I can't really say I disagree if you're using weapons that are not supposed to be in the game. I've literally left dozens of "illegal" weapons in tents/on people before.

I don't know if they still can, but they use to be able to just look in the server logs to see what weapons you're carrying. Also, some of them are pretty obvious when you look at them or use them - especially the silenced/thermal ones.

Edited by Bubba Jones

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no, they can't. at least they are not allowed to by rocket's TOS. don't run dayz if you want your own rules.

and they can't check your inventory, unless they get close so they can actually see your weapon in hand/on back, or can check your backpack.

i guess if you are an arma 2 crack and know how every possible weapon mod looks ingame, its possible to tell.

either this, or hacks.

If you know that you are using a hacked in weapon, then you deserve the ban

Yes, SA's can see what you have when you log into the server.

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I decided to play some DayZ so I got on a server with decent people. I was carrying two illegal weapon called AS50 TWS and M4A1 Holo SD, which I got from a guy I killed. I was on a hill northeast of Elektro and saw some guy shooting I sniped him and sniped a guy who he was shooting, 2 Bandit Kills. The first guy's body disappeared for some reason so I was like "what ever" I looted the second guy which had a L85A2 AWS with lots of ammo. 2 seconds after I looted the body it said (BattlEye: Banned (IAnon Banned Weapon)). I guess one of them was an Admin or someshit. I logged in into another server to make sure it wasn't a global ban...it wasn't. But I still didn't have my L85A2 AWS or my other found hacked weapon that I got from a guy I killed(M4A1 Holo SD). Even though I had it and used it it is stated by Rocket that you CAN use it and will NOT be banned for using it. Here is a screenshot


Here is the story of how I got the 2 hacked weapons: http://dayzmod.com/f...re-pussies-too/

EDIT: If you are gonna bitch about me getting the hacked weapons you can leave :D It is stated that you can't get banned.

You deserve the ban, hope it sticks. Going to contact the SA and get your GUID so I can add it to our server.

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They can, but they shouldn't according to the TOS.

there is a rule against it, they are not allowed to do it, and if someone reports them with proper proof, chances are the server adds to the blacklist. it really is that simple.

I don't know if they still can, but they use to be able to just look in the server logs to see what weapons you're carrying. Also, some of them are pretty obvious when you look at them or use them - especially the silenced/thermal ones.

no, they can't anymore. and i think it was a good choice to change it that way. ok, it makes it harder for admins to provide proof.

but there are too many people goofing around, thinking they know what they are doing when they swing the ban hammer because they see something fishy in the logs.

Edited by Azrail

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there is a rule against it, they are not allowed to do it, and if someone reports them with proper proof, chances are the server adds to the blacklist. it really is that simple.

no, they can't anymore. and i think it was a good choice to change it that way. ok, it makes it harder for admins to provide proof.

but there are too many people goofing around, thinking they know what they are doing when they swing the ban hammer because they see something fishy in the logs.

Highly doubt that a server will get blacklisted for banning someone who is playing on the server with a hacked weapon regardless if they scripted it in or took it from someone.

Just checked my logs, and I can see what gear people have when the first log in.....

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You deserve the ban, hope it sticks. Going to contact the SA and get your GUID so I can add it to our server.

Have Fun

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Have Fun

Soon as I get your GUID, I'll post it so all the SA's can add you to their Ban list.

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Soon as I get your GUID, I'll post it so all the SA's can add you to their Ban list.

Have Fun

I got rid of the gun. Found better legit gear from loot spots, tents and survivors. I already found another AS50 TWS and just buried the body. If you wanna ban me go ahead.

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IAnon, I'm the admin on the server. We do specifically state in the motd upon connecting to our server that using hacked weapons results in a perm ban. The fact that you came in here and admitted you were using a hacked weapon, got a trial by fire and appear to have corrected your load out is enough for me to remove your ban which I just did.

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IAnon, I'm the admin on the server. We do specifically state in the motd upon connecting to our server that using hacked weapons results in a perm ban. The fact that you came in here and admitted you were using a hacked weapon, got a trial by fire and appear to have corrected your load out is enough for me to remove your ban which I just did.

Firstly, Rocket had said, that is not a legit reason to ban someone, If they pick it up OH WELL. Now if he had scripted it in himself, that would be a diferent story. Secondly, You are NOT able to ban someone, Just cause, Its against T&C(Terms and Conditions) For Hosting a Dayz Server, So IAnon has a legit reason to report your server, will it get taken down? Probably not for first offence. But none-the-less, I Wouldnt ban people with Hacked weapons, it could get your server taken down.



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Firstly, Rocket had said, that is not a legit reason to ban someone, If they pick it up OH WELL. Now if he had scripted it in himself, that would be a diferent story. Secondly, You are NOT able to ban someone, Just cause, Its against T&C(Terms and Conditions) For Hosting a Dayz Server, So IAnon has a legit reason to report your server, will it get taken down? Probably not for first offence. But none-the-less, I Wouldnt ban people with Hacked weapons, it could get your server taken down.



It amazes me how people go, Rocket said so. USe your brain, the weapon is not in the game for a reason. I'm not saying ban right off the bat, but if after they have been told that it is a scripted in weapon and they still use it, then remove them from the server. Common sense people, common sense.

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IAnon, I'm the admin on the server. We do specifically state in the motd upon connecting to our server that using hacked weapons results in a perm ban. The fact that you came in here and admitted you were using a hacked weapon, got a trial by fire and appear to have corrected your load out is enough for me to remove your ban which I just did.

Hi Hohlraum, sorry for the late respond. Thanks for unbanning me. I will make sure next time to read Motd on each server I join. Thanks in advance. Edited by IAnon

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We had no less than 10 individuals using the TWS tonight on our server. It's become a bit of an epidemic. I now have a message that shows every 5 minutes on the server that reminds people about the TWS.

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We had no less than 10 individuals using the TWS tonight on our server. It's become a bit of an epidemic. I now have a message that shows every 5 minutes on the server that reminds people about the TWS.

My name is CH Family in-game and the admin had banned me. It said something about a public variable. I have played on this server for months now. I had killed a sniper with an as-50 with my L115. He had range finders, NVG,and a coyote backpack. i thought he was just really geared. Then as im shooting down a chopper with the as50 i get kicked by admin for public variable. I knew what it meant and was going to drop it off but then i immediately get banned. I really like this server and would appreciate it greatly if you can unban me please, thanks in advance!

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