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Series of Unfortunate Murders

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This is my first story to post on the forums of events that transpired during a recent encounter with multiple players. The events that occurred may seem somewhat wrong and offensive to players who have not yet figured out that people you meet in game, are 99% never going to be your 'friend'.

I journeyed from Cherno towards Balota with someone I met through this forum when I had grown tired of lone wolfing. We were searching for some ammo or possibly some better guns, so I chose the airfield. The server was very low in population so it was highly unlikely others would be in the airfield at the same time. I traveled past the hangers, where most of the graphical errors are, and headed for the control tower building. The only weapons I had at the time were my trusty hatchet and a G17. With my hatchet in hand, I ran up the stairs to the top floor and to my surprise a man crouched in the corner with his hatchet out. At this time my heart raced as usual when I encounter a player at this range, and I reacted only as I could... swing first and ask questions later. With 2 swings, just in case, the man was dead and ready for looting, however I would not have time to loot just yet. The sounds of steps on the stairs echoed through my headphones and I called out to the person I was teamed up with through Skype. He informed me he was not yet in the building, so I readied myself for another player. Up the stairs came another player with a gun in his hand, no questions...just swings. Another dead player but no time for looting, another player came up the stairs, this time I knew it was not my battle buddy because I had told him to stay out of the building in case these people were travelling in a group. This man wore a nicer backpack than I had, Czech, so I again was forced to kill. Now 3 murders committed and loot ripe for the pickens.

You can throw stones at "why didn't you say 'friendly'?" but since my 2 weeks of playing this game, every encounter where I asked if friendly or not ended up with me being shot when I clearly had no weapons. There were times I did not even have a bandage or pain killers because I had used them already. So you'll have to excuse me if I have an affinity for surviving. I will kill before being killed any day of the week, it beats having to respawn somewhere, especially in Kamenka for the 12th time. Watch out if you see me running with a hatchet...

What about anyone else? I want to hear some stories of similar hatchet kills on multiple people, same room, same encounter...whatever. How many people have you aced with an axe? Lets hear it.

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Cool and great story with it being your first. Must of been a thrill hatching your targets to death. ^_^

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I gave morphine to a guy that was telling me to kill him since he had broken legs, we looted together for about 30 minutes until I turn around and he's chopping me with his hatchet, so I had to kill him but then I bled out and died.. :bandit:

Edited by Prez

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