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Add more PMC default start skins?

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I'd love to see some more variation in players start skin. There are plenty of PMC skins unused. I know some of them have headsets. But isn't that ok? I don't mind it for having for more diversity.

And I hope Rocket plans to add a lot of new skins to pickup. Maybe use some of the community made skins, like the Stalker skins I've seen shots of.

Here's a shot of the PMC skins:


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why add more DLC content this game used to just take OA and ARMA II now it needs DLC content to play or you will have blobby characters bullshit ,

bad idea shouldnt have added DLC content in the first place

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Wish they'd never been used in the first place as 90% of the player base will think the characters have awfully laughable textures when they just don't have the DLC.

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So that's what's going on.

I suppose BIS might be able to grant Rocket the usage of full version skins?

Without headsets.

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