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All in the tittle, if you could write and easy step by step i would appreciate it as i don't wont to delete the wrong stuff and lose my character or what ever.

Only a few decent .4 servers left and they are full... so if you could help with the manual install as I haven't done one yet.


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(Assuming a clean install, this is what I did)

Step 1- Download 6 launcher from DayZ website

Step 2- Download DayZ (this will be at

Step 3- Download DayZ commander (http://www.dayzcommander.com/)

Step 4- Go to "versions" in the Commander, "check now" and then upgrade DayZ

Step 5- Enjoy the new version!

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Get DayZ Commander, It updates the game for you and It's the only way I've managed to get working while its still not full released.


To update open DayZ Commander and select version at the top right, then you will see at the bottom of the list DayZ (not up to date) or something, Under there it should say update, click that and voila.

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