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Can you see the shooter? Invisible shooter or 3 blind mice?

Can you see the shooter?  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Can you see the shooter?

    • Yes. You and your clan-mates are blind as bats!
    • Yes. But he's so well hidden its no surprise you didn't spot him.
    • No. He's probably behind trees, just peaking out.
    • No. Those puffs of smoke are definitely from an invisible hacker.

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Can you see the shooter?

Shortly after killing a guy with a hacked in suppressed G36C, we hear loud explosions at our base. We all run into the trees expecting bombs to drop on us, and this is what happens shortly after.

3 of us were scanning the trees for the shooter. None of us could see anything.

The puffs of smoke are seen at around 1:01, and I try to return fire after noticing them.

If you can point out where the shooter was, I will post a video of me dancing in a pink tutu.

Edited by MykeMichail

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In front of the back right vehicle? Look at the flickers around 0:28. There is a puff of smoke from the same location later in the video as well.

Edited by Bubba Jones

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would be easier to tell where they were if your guys weren't constantly talking, especially with the one guy with his vibrator left on.

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In front of the back right vehicle? Look at the flickers around 0:28. There is a puff of smoke from the same location later in the video as well.

I will check this out when I get home. Trying to watch 480p on a bus with mobile internet isn't very good.

You all might get that pink tutu video afterall (if he isn't invisible).

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This happened to me and my friend, except we were in the room of a building, with no one inside the room. We logged out in two seperate rooms and right after my friend died, I got shot by a M4A1 CCO SD and I coudln't see anyone. I've looked into it, and invisibility hacks do exist, so I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

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This happened to me and my friend, except we were in the room of a building, with no one inside the room. We logged out in two seperate rooms and right after my friend died, I got shot by a M4A1 CCO SD and I coudln't see anyone. I've looked into it, and invisibility hacks do exist, so I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

They do indeed. I have actually been standing about 5m from an invisible guy who was gunning down my team. All I could see was puffs of smoke emerging from nowhere.

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In this case though, if you listen to the audio, there are times you can hear the shots coming from the right (somewhere towards the camp) and landing to his left. I don't think anyone was right in front of him. I believe the shooter was by the car I mentioned earlier. I'd love to know for sure though.

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Yeah, definitely to the right. You can even hear his foot steps. So he wasn't in the camp.

Also, your friend that said "You should have logged out" is a pussy.

Edited by HaiUzeGuize

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maybe but not in 480p

I run 480p because sometimes I get down to around 30 fps in towns like Cherno/Elektro. I could probably run 720 in areas like that without an issue. I'll try 720p for a bit and see how it impacts me in Cherno/Elektro.

In front of the back right vehicle? Look at the flickers around 0:28. There is a puff of smoke from the same location later in the video as well.

Those flickers are just graphical glitches. They've been happening since ARMA 1 and haven't been fixed. I've seen them on a 9600GT, a GTS250 and now my GTX560 Super Overclock. I think they're caused by the game not being able to decide whether to draw high res or low res textures. Although I'm sure someone on the ARMA 2 forums would be able to explain better than I can. The 'puff of smoke' you saw was also an artifact. I watched that area very closely on the source video, and there were no puffs of smoke coming from the vehicle.

In this case though, if you listen to the audio, there are times you can hear the shots coming from the right (somewhere towards the camp) and landing to his left. I don't think anyone was right in front of him. I believe the shooter was by the car I mentioned earlier. I'd love to know for sure though.

Listened to this multiple times. I can't hear them coming from the right.

Yeah, definitely to the right. You can even hear his foot steps. So he wasn't in the camp.

Also, your friend that said "You should have logged out" is a pussy.

The footsteps to my right were another team-mate. We had 3 guys there and you can hear them both to the left and right of me.

As for the 'You should have logged out part', well... we had been jumping between servers looking for a 'hacker free' one all night. We'd already lost tonnes of gear that night to hackers (thunderdomes, teleports, god-mode hackers, etc). As we had just killed a guy with a hacked in gun who appeared from no where, we were almost certain the shooter in this video was the same guy, as another clan-mate had just killed the guy we killed under 2 km away, but the guy was back and attacking us in under 5 minutes. Completely impossible. Even if he had a chopper waiting for him at his spawn location, it would've taken well over 5 minutes just to fly to where we were, land, and walk to camp (if they landed closer we would've heard the chopper). It would've taken ages to get from spawn, AND his gear was hacked in.

The question is, how many times are you supposed to die to hackers? How many times are you supposed to put all your gear at risk against someone who's just going to teleport straight back, fully geared up anyway?

Sounds like it was from behind i heard footsteps and the shots comeing from behindish

I don't hear shots from behind. I hear bullet hits behind, but the shots are from the front. The footsteps from behind are a team-mates.

Edited by MykeMichail

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ya can defo hear the footsteps on the right of you dude....

The footsteps to my right were another team-mate. We had 3 guys there and you can hear them both to the left and right of me.

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