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Andrax (DayZ)

Small clan looking for more

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I have recently started a new clan and we already have 4 members and we hope to grab a few more! We are only looking for mature players as they are typically ideal for this game. It wouldn't hurt if you had some experience as well but we are willing to teach. Our goals are to survive as long as possible while at the same time racking up some murders along the way! This is a game and it's meant to be fun, so join us if your willing to participate in a friendly, sharing group!

(Just post your skype or PM me, which ever you feel comfortable with.)

Edit: Sorry! I should have put this in right away but we are mostly US.

Edit 2: It would really help if you state your age!

Edited by Andrax

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yes, i need a cool gang to hang out and learn a bit of the game, im not very experienced but i do okish, im on my 3rd day so something im doing right. skype: alex.zoig - 25 of age from portugal, good english

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I would be interested, My skype is philip.diller , I run my own company so play time is pretty flexible. Also I am thinking about renting a server... Hit me up I also have 2 other people that live in the same town that play. 28/m/Texas, Have Vent Server

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You from EU or US? You should say in the first post else knowone knows if they want to team with you.

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You from EU or US? You should say in the first post else knowone knows if they want to team with you.

Changed it to say US.

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