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New to DayZ, looking for a Clan/Server to call home

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Hi, I'm new, as of about 4 days played. Looking for a nice, active server that has friendly survivor types as well as bandits. But I don't shy away from high pop servers as I crave the challenge and the thrill of battle! (wouldn't be much fun without a little competition). I'd prefer to play on a Veteran server if possible to avoid the problems that come with playing on recruit/normal servers. (See I'm learning things about this game already!)

About myself: I'm a 25 year old dude, I live in California so Pacific timezone. Though time zone may or may not even be an issue, as I have a tendency to be up late nights and occasionally bounce back to more of a 9-5 or "normal" kinda schedule.

In short: I just want to find some friends to play with and a server community that I will feel compelled to return to often for some fun times. If you have a server or clan in mind, or a group of friends that would like to add more to your ranks, than you might find a friendly companion in me. I'm a fairly chill person once you get to know me, and with that said: I look forward to meeting new friends to set off in search of adventures!

Oh yea look for me (Nitely) ingame. And as far as Skype goes, I'm not really comfortable giving that out at least until I get know people better.

Edited by NiteEknight

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I am looking for a friend to play with, I normally play with my friend when he is on but we could use a 3rd. I could also teach you some things. Add me on skype: SkidmarksParks

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