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Rifle Eyez

anyone get low fps on some servers?

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Theres probably not a fix but i'm just curious - can run everything at full and get a solid 60+ fps, even in cities. 30 solid with fraps. some servers though i barely get over 15 and notice it as soon as the place name appears as you spawn.

anyone else? bit annoying when i've spent 30 minutes stuck on various loading screens and ''ending process'' through task manager to finally get in a server at 10-15 fps!

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Some servers frame skip every few seconds. It's usually a fixed amount of time until the frame skip occurs, about 5 seconds. One server I joined destroyed my fps, it was raining at the time, so that might have had something to do with it.

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It's normal happens to a lot of players. You either can try re logging a million times till it works or wait for the server to restart. Huge pain I know...

P.S. Restarting PC or game does not help. It may randomly work for you after doing this but for me and my 5 buddy's only re logging from the lobby works. But, as I said it takes a lot of try's or you can luck out in the first try or 30...

Edited by RyBo

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